Reviews (1)

  • OK it is full of stereotypes, yes the movie does old jokes, it is fairly predictable and we have seen it before. The crucial question is this – is it funny? The simple answer is yes. My wife wasn't enthused about this one, but she laughed heartily. For a comedy to be any good you need to laugh out loud at least 6 times. I think I laughed about 10-12 times. Some of the scenes were set up really well and the comedy acting was superb.

    OK the plot is unbelievable and a little silly, but it's a comedy! Give it a go. If you love meet the parents, dumb and dumber, there is something about Mary and Kingpin, you will enjoy the show. If you have a cinematic bypass and love politically correct left-wing tripe – then this one isn't for you. Its as simple as that!