
IMDb member since October 2003
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Ljudozder vegetarijanac

American psycho Croatian way
First of all i am Croatian , but surely i would write shitty review if this Croatian movie would suck big time. Instead i am going to write really nice review of this film which i should write also for Metastaze of the same auteur/director/lead role. For me Rene Bitorajac rocks - BIG TIMES. Sometimes ( remembering American psycho) even more than Christian Bale at his greatest moments in AP.He proved his "Madness " in Metastaze already - thank you for that Rene ! Branko Schmidt did really fine work in both Metastaze and Cannibal/ Vegetarian as well , and he proved he is one of greatest Croatian directors living today. Ivo Balenovic is story for itself.Not only he is highlight for read in newspapers he is writing for , but also his two books of witch those two films are made of are top notch. But , if situation in Croatia would not be exactly as it was shown in those two books/ films the "Punch in the face " wold not be as strong as it is . Knowing the corruptness of Croatian society ,as ,by the way , it is known by every single Croatian citizen , enjoying of this film is a bitter pill , but also a satisfying one , cause all the poison is coming out in this two films - especially in Cannibal-Vegetarian.So government - i know you know - but you have to know that i know it too.

My biggest kudos are going on Rene Bitorajac - Christian Bale should learn from you.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

For those who read the book it can not be bad, so WTF so bad rating...
First of all i am a male , in middle age , definitely not gay , and love all what have to do with vampire and werewolves.I read first two books , and i don't know why so much so bad reviews about New moon.It follows the book precisely , all actors were very good especially Taylor.CGI was Top , Wolves are eye candy , so was make up , especially Rob's that explained why he looked so down at Voltury.He didn't feed for days , he left himself go , he wanted to die - so...It was all in the book.I recommend all haters to read the book before they post so devastating votes and reviews.I enjoy the Saga , i enjoyed both films and surely i shell see New moon several times again.Congratuations to all involved in this movie.Just keep the quality at that level , no matter what haters might write or how they vote.Thank you very much for such bright film experience.

Hannibal Rising

Hannibal is still a young and wild , let's wait for a next book...
I just saw the film at prepremiere in Bern Switzerland.First of all i read the book and my expectations was huge.I prayed to god not to be disappointed.And i can say no i am not.Although Thomas Harris did a screenplay for this film as well as he wrote the book , some things are not the same in the film like in the book ,and some are missing.Hope missing things are left for the DVD extended edition.Those things can offend some Lecter huge fans as i am too.But this were just several not sooo important things for understanding the film.All in all the film is true to book in all important things and events.I understand too that filmmakers can not integrate all events from book in film cause it would be too long.Gaspard Ulliel plays Hannibal Lecter mostly wery well.What i found slightly negative is ,just maybe,a little bit over the top.That means in some important scenes like murders his face and his art to play Hannibal is very wild.But clear is : after those traumas he had to live with no one can guarantee to stay normal or calm.Man can really see how he enjoy the act of revenge.You can really see it on his face.Those savage deserters that killed his sister really deserve same savage deaths like they did in their past.There are a lot gruesome deaths and images in this movie , what was to expect from a Lecter movie.A lot more than in any Lecter movie before.Some would say :now is a Lecter Mystery over.He is no longer a mystery to us like he was.But no.I would say: this film had to be made as book had to be written.No we understand why he is like he is.Although in this part of life he is still very young , can not always keep his feelings hidden.He is a Young Wild that becomes a Madman cause of his trauma from his childhood that never leave him in peace.For him all of his later victims remaining him of those Deserteurs .One more book and one more film has to be made where he would be explained a little further.His genius , his loving for art , fine things , his life as young doctor in Baltimore , America.He told once to Clarice that lambs are now still and silent but they will not always remain still , they will scream again.So his trauma will always stay with him , his whole life. Go and see the movie , you will not be disappointed.

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