
IMDb member since September 2011
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    IMDb Member
    12 years


28 Hotel Rooms

eye candy and emotional insight
A memorable film, a visual treat, so skillfully shot, and emotionally real with outstanding performances by two people caught up in doing the wrong thing when unable to resist the pull of forces many of us might succumb to or at least feel.

Matt Ross has built this work around two characters that are flawed and perhaps not adequate in substance for his prodigious talent but what he has created flashes with real insight into what happens when passion and love arise and grow within the confined space outside marital vows. We know from the start that we are on a journey where anything might happen and Ross's management of that wild ride is handled with an impressive intelligence while avoiding the predictable outcomes.

Viewer response could understandably be driven by whether he/she can empathize with the wrong doers or the off screen victims.

I can't wait to see what is next from Mr. Ross.

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