
IMDb member since March 2004
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Nice cinematography but annoying characters
I watched Manhattan recently because i had never seen Woody Allen's films and heard this was one of his best.

I can see why people love this film, it certainly is quite original and a convincing snapshot of a group of friends in New York, but I found Woody's character just too excruciating self-possessed and irritating to enjoy the film overall.

I guess you either love him or hate him, but he reminded me of George Costanza on Seinfeld - i just wanted to shake him and say 'get over yourself!'.

As for the humor, there were a lot of attempted wit there but nothing that made me laugh out loud. I won't be a hurry to see any of his other films.

The Corporation

Nothing new for most lefties
The Corporation is quite a skillfully made documentary, but if you've any of read the books of the main authorities interviewed for the film - Naomi Klein, Noam chomsky and Michael moore, then a lot of the depressing subject matter of this documentary will already be pretty familiar to you.

For example, most people already know that corporations are destroying the environment, exploiting third world workers and controlling too much of our culture, for example.

Even though 'The Corporation' is rather long, i felt it ended up spreading itself too thinly - not surprising since the subject is so vast and complex. I think it might have been better to concentrate on more constructive aspects, such as what legal avenues could be available to us to reduce corporate power.

The film is a good primer and wake up call for people who are still oblivious to the out-of-control nature of corporate power, but doesn't add anything novel to what's already out there.

The Wicker Man

Quirky and unique
The Wicker Man is a rather eccentric film based on the story of a police man who visits a remote Scottish island to investigate the disappearance of a young girl and gets caught up in the Spring festival of village of Pagan-god worshippers.

The film remains remarkable refreshing and original even 30 years on. Part of this may come from it eschewing all convention of genre. The only film vaguely similar i've seen might be 'Lair of the White Worm' - both films are ostensibly horror films that are really more funny than scary, the sheer amount of camp and silliness in some scenes wonder if the film makers were considerably more tongue-in-cheek than some of the fans out there who laud it as a profound psychological thriller.

The film isn't a 'great' movie by any stretch but is highly original, has some great characters and acting and is a good laugh.

The Passion of the Christ

The dark-side of Christianity
Surely this movie is going to drive more people away from Christianity than attract them!

This is a very disturbing film - it focuses on the torture and murder of a man in the most gruesome and relentless way (far in excess of anything mentioned in the four gospels).

The main premise of the story is that the viewer through their sins somehow bear responsibility for what happened. At the screening i was at, some people obviously felt guilty for each and every blow inflicted on Jesus.

What an absolutely outrageous message to send our children. A great way to make people guilt-ridden and messed up for life.

The Passion of the Christ

The dark-side of Christianity
Surely this movie is going to drive more people away from Christianity than attract them!

This is a very disturbing film - it focuses on the torture and murder of a man in the most gruesome and relentless way (far in excess of anything mentioned in the four gospels).

The main premise of the story is that the viewer through their sins somehow bear responsibility for what happened. At the screening i was at, some people obviously felt guilty for each and every blow inflicted on Jesus.

What an absolutely outrageous message to send our children. A great way to make people guilt-ridden and messed up for life.

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