
IMDb member since March 2004
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Mowgli's Brothers

better than Disney
Last time I saw this I think I was in first or second grade. When we got the Disney version for my daughter, I was thinking, "this is a great movie." That was before I realized that I had never seen the Disney version (which completely lacks a story). If you're two years old the Disney version is great; otherwise watch this one. This version is basically the original story, kind of dark and the animation matches the mood of the story. I especially like how this version handles the progression of Mowgli from "man cub" to man, and his mastery of the "red flower." It's still a kid's movie, but like other stuff by Chuck Jones it appeals to all ages. Check out this movie. Chuck Jones is the man. watch it!

Swimming Pool

I am curious
I was wondering what about this film inspires such careful scrutiny and analysis. After watching, I was a bit confused - not just about the "message" or whatever, but moreover about why I should care. I have no problem believing that all or most of the characters were fictitious because none of them came across as believable. Hey, I have no problem with people using symbolism and fantasy to some artistic end. But to what end? Oh, but wait! By being purposefully vague, the story allows the viewer to decide the real meaning. This technique is nothing new; it was very common in the 1980's children's line of "Choose Your Own Adventure" books.

Someone previously posted a summary of this film as "plunge into the creative psyche." That's very topical and sounds pretty dramatic, too. I think I have a more accurate description: "an exercise in mental masturbation." I wish I'd gone to bed early.


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