
IMDb member since May 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


Sugar Boxx

Waste of time
This movie should only be watched if you want to see bare breast. Otherwise, do not waste your time. Most of the women filmed are hard on the eyes. Very realistic as prisoners. That is the only thing realistic about this movie... It looks like it was put together and filmed by teens with a camcorder. The gate into the prison is actually a gate to a goat farm with a paper prison sign. The goats are even filmed. It is a prison in the woods with tents and a wood shed in the weeds for solitary confinement. Sprayed with a spray bottle by a picnic table to get the lice off. Really? No fences, no buildings, but a beach house and pool for the women who agree to prostitute for the warden. The acting and lines are so bad it is actually comical. For the most part it is kinda pathetic...It should only be viewed by someone who does not care about story-line, plot, setting, theme, realism, and acting. If you want lesbians and naked chicks though,you will find it here.

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