
IMDb member since August 2012
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The Garbage Pail Kids Movie

I Love This Movie. it's so beautiful it brings a tear to my eyes every time i watch it!!!!!
This movie is such an excellent movie. it is so brilliant i can't even begin. The acting was superb. The script was well-written and amazing and the plot! IT WAS JUST COMPLETELY AWESOME!!!! The plot was completely original,suspenseful,amazing,brilliant,beautiful and just....AWESOME!This awesome movie gets a ten out of ten from me. a must-see film! 10/10!!!! If i could,however i would give it a fifteen billion trillion million thousand hundred fourteenth billion trillion million thousand thirteenth-billion trillion million twelfth billion trillion -eleven trillion-ten billion-9 million-8 thousand-7 hundred and 6 out of ten!!!!!!!

:D Go and see this amazing and heart-warming film. i fully-guarantee you won't regret it.

-Rainbow Dash Likes Girls!

Kis Vuk

Amazing Movie,Highly Recommended!
I cannot describe how amazing this movie this. This movie is so amazing,so powerful and so beautiful,This movie is even better than the first movie!!! The characters were well developed and original, the voice acting was brilliant, and the graphics! OH THE GRAPHICS! the graphics were so amazing,so well drawn, it makes any high-budget movie with high quality graphics that took the animators hours per frame, look like Atari 2600 graphics! The animation was completely smooth and not even once, the animation was choppy, in fact the voices actually fitted in and it was on sync with the mouth movements. And last (but not least), the plot was completely original,fresh and new. This movie was one of the best movies i have ever watched! Please watch it.

My score in total is 10/10,but if i could, i would give it a score of a million out of ten.

Titanic - La leggenda continua

The Bestest movie of all time!!!!!!
Ignore ALL bad reviews and/or it's 1.4/10 average vote, as this movie is just awesome! The characters were completely original and well-developed. The voice acting was just brilliant. the lines were so unforgettable and powerful i burst ed into tears. The animation was just totally smooth, the voices actually matched to what they were saying! and the songs,oh the songs! well, they were just amazing! The song "it's party time!" was the best song. The lyrics were completely unforgettable and the song was completely catchy,powerful,tear-shedding,heart-warming and just completely AWESOME!!!!! This movie is 100% recommended as it is the bested animated movie of all time. please watch it and it will change you forever.

I give it a ten out of ten. If i could,however i would of given it an Million out of Ten.

Now go and watch it now. truly amazing movie. Once your finished watching go watch the 2 other movies,In Search Of The Titanic & The Legend Of The Titanic,as these movies are just as good,maybe even better!

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