A sedate, but stately house that is not on the market gets snatched up by an enterprising but fractious family of four. The younger child, a teenage daughter begins to feel that she is not alone and starts to believe in the supernatural. As it turns out, the film's perspective is predominantly from the vantage point of a spirit which occupies the house but finds unexpected purpose with this family. It's best to go in totally cold. If you haven't seen the trailer, even better.
Performances are stellar all around. Callina Liang gives an excellent performance as the deeply troubled daughter who is at the center of the film's mysteries. Lucy Liu is ideal as her swamped, but caring mother. West Mulholland is equally good as her sketchy boyfriend. Without going into detail or spoilers, it's a film that will confound one's expectations and conventional notions of a haunted house thriller. This is one of most creative spins on that genre, executed with formidable skill by Soderbergh. The daughter in this film seems to have the closest connection with this spirit and her backstory reveals why. Enthusiastically recommended to those who are open-minded and not too daunted from a distance.
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