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The Leftovers: G'Day Melbourne
Episode 4, Season 3

Exsanguination at its best
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The Leftovers gets an unexpected turn in the last season. From having small vital details and scenes that repeatedly surpass each other in season one and two, season three begins as a protracted slow finisher that will execute this brilliance. I assume that the recurring intro from season two, but now with a poorer soundtrack, gave the viewers a hint of disappointment in this final season.

Unfortunately, the series charm disappears almost entirely in this episode. G'Day Melbourne is full of little unnecessary details that don't give the viewer anything besides questioning the series credibility and where the boundary between the gracious unnatural story and well-created realistic scenes goes. The series brilliant ambience of utopia built up of awesome scenes slowly fades away.

This episode has an unexpected main event and takes away something that is a brilliant result of season one and which is nicely built up during season two. The Leftovers have the ability to provide shocking and exciting endings but this time it went too far. The episode still raises many exciting thoughts and gives answers to previously unclear scenes, but my expectations in general dropped drastically after this episode.

"I can say to those who does not understand what I am talking about, that my review for this episode applies even better to the next one (episode 5). Which includes an incomprehensible conversation, so that Matt and his companions can board an even more inexplicable vessel..."

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