
IMDb member since January 2013
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Horror movies should be left to Professionist Act is diabolical The photography amatoriale

Good subject Badly executed Sorry 😢

I admire the spirit of the cast and producer What Tarantino says "We like doing movies"


Real movie
One thing Why didn't get a wash when he could

Why the cameraman keeps cutting the heads ?

Joke aside amazing.

The Cabin

To be honest I have seen worse

Not a bad concept The cameraman wasn't the best And photography either

Home made movie at his best.

Iron Sky

One of the best movie i saw so far

Very funny Amazing special effects considering the budget.


Up and down
I don't understand

Who put the man there Why was he there Who is he Get rid of him lol 😂

I can't go on forever

The rope Can an astronaut do a knot properly??

A knot is not rocket science lol 😂

I am really baffled 😕 A life for a life

A part from those questions The photography and direction was really good It keeps you hooked to the end

Not sure there is Like there is no start.


Kid film it is
Yes is a kid film

The generation gap is growing deeper as technical moves faster

If we want to understand the world our kids are in Well this movie is a brilliant execution.


The fly in the ear
Don't follow other people opinion

Of course all the features are there typical of horror movies The witch The basement The hunted house

One think I never seen before The fly in the ear

In my culture is sign of playing with people mind

In Italian Mettere la pulce o la mosca nell'orecchio

Blade the Iron Cross

Would have been made in 1960 by Mario Bava Would have been a masterpiece

Special effects are very dated And acting amatorial A part from the main woman The idea and storyline is quite good

Might be a remake in future with bigger budgets

Bastard's Crossing

Interesting story plot
At my opinion is a very good movie

Understand the badget and lack of experienced actors had a knock effect on the flowing of the movie On overall Is a very enjoyable movie A portrait of a past life

Il legame

Drama e non horror
Situation of real life in south Italy

For many absurd for some not true Well is all possible I am from south of Italy and someone in the past has applied that ritual called Malocchio to Myself To clear strong migraine I was suffering when a kid

The movie is brilliantly directed and actor feel real part of the story


I enjoyed it

Like someone commented here before me I think if would have been edited and made a bit shorter would have flown better I got lost a bit In the middle To find my way again towards the end

12 Hour Shift

Few notorious faces in here

Very well directed considering Nice plot and twists Very energetic and entertaining It keeps you interested in it

That is what movies are about Does the job And it deserves a good six plus

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Lol 😂
Nothing else to say

But it is very vey very very funny

Enjoy it guys

Breaking Surface

Very realistic well directed
For an independent movie Is very very good

Especially after 15 minutes Doesn't drag and keeps on your toes

Very realistic


Better than I expected
Got few moments of pure suspense and horror and Long spell of sort of action rather than horror In general Better than expected

Science Fiction Volume One: The Osiris Child

Sci fi at pure level
Alien planet Space ships

Aliens Total control company

All ingredients for a perfect sci fi movie The lack of funds to my opinion had an impact on the final product

The director had to make the best of what they had available

Sci fi is not just an action movie It's about philosophy This movie would be deeply appreciated by the father founder of sci fi Like Asimov And Silvelberg


In ginocchio da te
That is the song title played at one point In the movie

Hitchcock Truffoult Many old school european directors can be seen in there

An extreme real life case scenario Good acting Amazingly directed Great photography What else to say Amazing writing Corean movie makers proof themselves that they can produce amazing movies To remember Old Boy And Pandora

Terminator: Dark Fate

Deja vu
It never ends 😅😂 With this movie looks like we are going back in circle

They got lost in sequel and prequel Future and past That I think the writer doesn't know if he is coming or going 😅

Hollywood special effects are always masterful executed though

Good to watch those at least


Interesting movie
I read others reviews I agree with harsh one Low engagement with public at time Few episodes tossed there and not fully developed

It keeps intrigued until the end That lots of blockbuster movies fail sometimes

It makes you think and reflect and the way we are

I can see some references to Cocoon but the plot develop differently

I scored a cautious six

The House That Jack Built

Inferno di Dante
Verge is Virgilio The man that led Dante through the middle of hell and out (The end)

There are referiments into the movie already at chapter 4 when it shaws William Blake painting

The whole movie is a spiral on the way down to the middle of hell


The Boy

Definitely worth the watch
I have seen many horror movies Possibly not the goriest or the scariest But at least it flows and keeps you hooked to it By wondering what the hell is going on here?? At the end is not what a good movie is about Keep your attention on and entertained In that respect the mivie is very good at it

The acting is very good Location interesting very british Hitting all the stereotypes according the Americans lol 😂

Very enjoyable

Milano calibro 9

Ahead of his time
I have the fortune to watch in italiano Ed I am from south Italy brought up in Milan

It shows how all the main carachters police and criminals are from south Italy

Both sons of the mass migrations from south to north Italy The honest and disonest

Plus this movie mentione something going on now People making money on international financial movements Like money exchange

The Italian mafia always ahead Like italian directors

Some of car chase are just as good as fast and furious

Well enjoy this movie a rare gen

Room 33

Harsh imdb score

Is worth at least a 5.5 Has got a plot and follows the basic rules of a script that many pretentious author's one loose sometimes

It keeps it simple and it works Does the job that is to entertain a public

Let's not forget that is at the end An indipendent low budget movie so 👍


Good movie for a badget sci fi
There is always hope

Interesting psychological thriller An advice If you expect an action pack horror you might disappointed Some action and blood is there though

Worth a watch on my opinion


Finally a good movie

Small movie makers deserve more distribution

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