
IMDb member since February 2013
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My Darling Son

Intimate music documentary with a unique angle
This documentary is about one of my favorite local musicians from one of my favorite bands, the Turbans, a world music fusion band. Regardless of my own music tastes, it is a remarkable piece of cinema. The Turbans is a band based in London of many members from different cultures and musical traditions who merge their creativity and produce something fresh and original. Now that's a huge focus for one documentary. Had the director tried to cover everything, the film could have been a series of interesting facts, but rather soulless as a pice of art. However, after introducing the whole band, she successfully focused on one aspect (band member, Morski from Bulgaria) and Morski's relationship with both his own father and son. From there, the narrative zoomed in on one song that was Inspired by this relationship. In this way, the film becomes a very personal, intimate and moving portrayal. It also shows how the personal circumstances of this story can inspire creativity, giving the film a unique angle. The detailed footage of the whole band putting an input on how to finalise the song is also a fascinating account of how so many different people from "manywhere" (as the turbans have often called themselves) put so much effort in creating a final work of of art. It comes across that director Pavlina Ivanova built up a good relationship with the musicians. I feel that this wasthe only way she could have put together a documentary where the musicians came across as so natural both at work and play.

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