
IMDb member since July 2013
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    10 years


Hidden Colors

A movie made once again to divide blacks and whites by creating a group-identity-pride based purely on propaganda.
This movie has a lot of false historical details due to oversimplified and superficial overlooks of facts (and often images and paintings). But what I find really ridiculous is that there is a global conspiracy to hide the fact that much of culture and civilization was invented by Africans. I can accept propaganda by politicians but not from the scientific method of antrophology and documented history. In fact a real egiptologyst from Oxford or Harvard will tell you that there is yet no proof about he fact that the pharaohs were either black or white although it is probable that at least the generation from Kush (the Nubian Pharaons) were black. The movie put a lot of stress about skin color as a proof of cultural identity. For example In the movie we see a statue of a Buddah that looks black and such should be enough to trace the roots of buddism in Africa. I let your self draw the conclusions about this childish method of scientific research. But more important: is this issue of the skin color really the way to find an identity as group? If you are African you are African regardless of your skin color. For example: do the new generations of white south-africans have to think themselves today as alien colonists? And if you are a black guy from a low class struggling against racism in United States, does it really help you to still fantasize about your identity by thinking yourself as being an African deeply inside?.

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