
IMDb member since August 2013
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Little Nicky

Cheesy fun... Just need to lighten up a little!
Little Nicky is a love it or hate it movie... Personally, I love it. It's silly, cheesy and doesn't pretend to be anything else. From the sarcastic dog's snoring to the Chicago record to Quentin Tarantino's blind preacher, it's got plenty of proper laughs. Yes, it's crude, but it's clearly not made to be sophisticated - the special effects are terrible and Adam Sandler is at his cheesiest best. That's what gives this movie its charm - the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously.

Let's not forget the soundtrack - personally, I think it's probably one of the most awesome out there - with everything from P.O.D to AC/DC, Foo Fighters/Dave Grohl, Scorpions, Van Halen and more.

Go into this movie with high expectations & a view that everything has to have the utmost artistic integrity, special effects and the best acting and you'll be bitterly disappointed. Watch it with an open mind for silly, dark comedy and b-grade charm and you'll probably be pleasantly surprised!

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