
IMDb member since November 2013
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Seasons Two Cheap Science
1. The massively heavy spinning metal wheels w/blue Christmas lights that seem to land in the past w/out ever landing inside something continues. Why haven't they landed in my backyard? I keep looking for them! Maybe it's because every time they land in the past (no matter when or where) it makes my present so different I may cease to exist. 2. Same old made-up to sound impressive (but meaningless) scientific words, 'I may have miscalculated the second derivative of the time dilation equation." "Right lateral particle converter is missing a pin." Gawwd! And then they are still talking about capacitors. 3. Why do all movies with WWI scenes always show the same battlefield desolation? They look so copied from one another. 4. Same predominance of talking heads occupying screen times (cheap filler). 5. Male actors always have the same three day old unshaven look coupled w/tight really short sleeve t-shirts. It's the toughness look, or it's overcompensation for some insecurities. Acting is rote memorization daytime soap level. 6. Period clothing is the only positive, except Hollywood props dept. insists that they not have a speck of dirt or a wrinkle no matter what's going on. Not very realistic, but saves money.


A fictionalized story of conjoined late teen female twins who besides having their beauty as an asset also have good singing voices. In Italy they make appearances at various events to sing and to be touched which may sound odd, but if you're quite religious & superstitious (redundant) that act could bring good fortune; solve problems. Story loosely based on an actual pair of early 1900s twins named Daisy & Violet Hilton, but set in the present. Like many conjoined (Siamese twins is a misnomer) twins their income is partly from media or sideshow performances; sometimes being misused as it appears in this movie. The lower rating is not from the acting which was superb, but for the various implausible holes in the scenarios for the girls. And, would have liked to have had the movie or twins tell us about their early life compiled from what we know of the Hilton twins as well as interviews w/current conjoined twins. The ending also seemed very incomplete.


Borrowed (ripped off?) heavily from Justified, and poorly so, are those somewhat backcountry (Eastern US) coal country human critters who just seem to court trouble while selling their homemade stuff from corn mash stills. Following the Justified storyline we have the usual suits (white business just in it for the coal money) bent on removing the last obstacle to their fortunes. As usual, there's a town full of people, to get in everybody's way and a sheriff's dept. with it's own typical TV series type problems. The show creates lots of likables and unlikeablesk all following the time worn stereotypic formula of looks and behavior. There's lots of ATV riding on trails; lots of tats on the backcountry people. Could never figure out how such an isolated group could get so many tats; ATVs; gas; electricity and some nice cabins. And, where does all their food come from? Details! Lots of huffin' and puffin' throughout the episodes and a couple of people get shot, of course. Just boring stuff seem a thousand times already. Justified viewers don't ruin your memories by watching this mess. Final scene of a couple of hundred of these folks appearing out of nowhere to face down the cops was logistically not possible and added to the cheap writing for this series.


Luc Should Go Back
Usual cheap daytime TV soap formulae of the following: 1. Actors chosen for eye candy appeal with little else to enhance the storyline. Evidence: Cheap hourly rates; resumes loaded with never- heard-of gigs of "TV-series". 2. One black in a minor but positive role. He does get to spout some really bad CGI wings every so often. One female usually in a counter starring role and for crime/detective plots she often is the detective. Female det., as if typical, has the weight, strength and athletic agility to be the best - wait, yes, a yoga instructor. What's really poorly thought out is through all her Ep. 1, 2 dangerous detective work her long hair is model loose. Ever hear of tying it back so it doesn't interfere with basic policing? Well, the director caught that minor discrepancy in some later episodes. 3. Since this series has a Satanic vibe, during episode one I was waiting for the cheap and humorously overused red eyes effect (i.e.cheap evil); disappointed, but not for long because guess what shows up in episode 2? Yep, red eyes. Then there is the other cheap Satanic effect floating whatever - people, objects. Again, not to be outdone they added a floating coin and apple - both effects pointless, besides really cheaply done. 4. 90+% of this series is low budget close up filming with cheap props, sets, costumes, just a few actors with lots of talking and no words too difficult for high school beyond 10th grade. OK, Ellis (Luc) does give us some fun dialogue, but that's about all that's worth the hours of one's life. 5. It's just boring, uncreative, ripoff writing.

Man of Steel

How to kill Superman
1. Poor casting and acting. Lois is better suited to a daytime soaps role. Kal (Superman) acted like he was in an urban gang dance off. Zod acted like an American upset in a traffic tie-up. Jor drew upon Greek/Roman myth movie for a god like countenance. All misplaced and stereotypic. Fishburne must have been the ethnic diversity quota because he just didn't have credibility as a news dept. head. 2. Cheap, unimaginative graphics borrowed (stolen) from lots of older fantasy movies especially those with floating cities and other floaties. The space craft looked more appropriate for cartoon fantasy with zero basis in reality. 3. Old storyline of bad guys chase good guy; a couple battles ensue; good guy ekes it out in the end. Ho hum. 4. Dialogue that only cloistered Hollywood writers could unimaginatively come up with. "As a result our natural resources became unstable. We exhausted, our planets core." Huh! That makes no scientific, even middle school level, sense. There is no connection between the two. Or this tripe "Eventually our military leader, General Zod, attempted a coup." He must have been inspired by events in Central/South America or Africa or Far East. Finally "I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you." That is a terribly misplaced metaphor for our Universe.

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