
IMDb member since January 2014
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The Big Fat Stone

At Least the Bots Liked It...
This is a terrible movie.

The plot makes no sense with a terrible script or possibly no script at all. There is no direction at all as far as I can tell. The star is laughably bad with almost no acting ability. The music is terrible from start to finish.

And all of this makes sense. Why? Because the same guy, Frank D'Angelo, did all of those jobs.

The other actors, and there are a couple decent ones here and there, are noteworthy and have ability but they have nothing to work with here (I refer you back to the nonsensical amateurish script/plot).

Nothing to see here. This isn't even really something that should qualify as a 'movie' in my humble opinion.

1 out of 10.

The Being Frank Show

To "Be Frank" with you, this doesn't belong on IMDb
I have been watching Frank D'Angelo's twitter and this page and I can't prove it but I am very suspicious about both. His Twitter had thousands of followers added very quickly but almost none of his tweets get more than a handful of likes and/or re-tweets which makes me think maybe he has purchased followers. On top of that almost overnight on this site a ton of positive (and similar sounding) reviews popped up along with votes of 8 or 10. His rating here jumped from about 2/10 to 8/10 very quickly, like in one single night. The number of votes is also suspicious to me not just because so many were added virtually overnight but because of the overall total number, this show which is purchased late night air time on a regional station in Hamilton has thousands of votes and I'm just not sure that passes the smell test with me. I hope that IMDb will check out these reviews and votes to see if they are actually legit.

I have seen many episodes of this show both on the air and on the website and to put it simply I find the number of positive votes and reviews for this show on IMDb spurious.

It also makes me very suspicious that someone reported my previous review as being "abusive"... not sure why IMDb pulled it but I have written this new one. There is nothing abusive in this and I am only presenting my opinion based on the facts as I know them...

Is Being Frank being fraudulent? I think so. I think this show is only on the air because this guy is paying for the commercial air time on CHCH-TV Hamilton, which is a fact -- every broadcast begins with a notice from the network saying that is the case.

Rookie Blue

Rookie Blech
I do not miss this show at all. It is very nice to see Canadian television companies actually make a show that has a real budget and really tries to make a go of a real, good series, and at first it seemed like this show with great production values and a real budget and effects etc would be just that, but it soon became just another bad show.

The first season was OK and season two was not bad but after that it really went down the drain. Unbelievable people doing and saying unbelievable things, melodrama galore, Grey's Anatomy level romance stories shoved down our throats like we are 12 year old girls watching the TV equivalent of a dime store romance novel... it's a shame because this started with potential and could have been good.

Some decent performances and some bad ones, a lot of awful writing and some very curious and bad decisions with the direction of this show did it in. I'm actually surprised it lasted a full five seasons. Flashpoint was much better to be honest.

Kroll Show

Epic Fail
I am watching this show right now. I have seen this show once before. It is the same now as it was then - really quite terrible! How did this get made?

I have no idea who Nick Kroll is, and I have no idea why anyone would give him a show. Based on everything I've seen from him on this show I can tell you that it is quite apparent that he has no comedy talent whatsoever.

Not only is the show completely unfunny, with characters that are painfully unfunny, it's not even competent on a technical level. I can't believe this is even on TV.

Ground Floor

This show is hell-a-lame. So not funny. I hate it so much I'm not even sure what to talk about first. There's absolutely nothing about this show that I like, literally not one thing I can think of. Well except for one.

The older guy in the show, the boss, I like that guy. The actor from the much superior TV show Scrubs (even though I didn't love that show or get it as much as my friends). He is obviously a talented comic actor and he deserves much better than this show. That said not even he is very good in this but he obviously has proved his talent elsewhere and shouldn't be blamed. The big problem is that he has nothing and nobody to work with.

The acting is terrible. The lead is gratingly awful and couldn't deliver a joke to save his life. The supporting cast (hot female, two idiot male co-workers) are almost as painfully unfunny as him. Especially the dweeb with the facial hair. They're all doing caricatures and only the actress is not so awful that I have a painful physical reaction to seeing her or hearing her voice, unlike the others.

I won't even mention the writing because I'm not sure there is any, other than to say it is horribly bad and the jokes are all predictable and all less funny than the average third grader's jokes.

I'm not sure who this actor is or why he is the star of a comedy TV series but you need to get him off my TV as quickly as possible, or I will die.

Match Game

This is easily and by far the worst version of Match Game.
This is easily, and by far, the worst version of the Match Game television game show that has ever been broadcast. The first version I have never seen but I'm sure it can't be worse. The most well known version is also the best, it was technically called Match Game 72 and had comics, actors, other celebrities, a great host, and the answers were always very entertaining and funny when they were not giving serious answers to try to help the contestant win. There was a show called Match Game PM which aired in the 1980's that was not as good as Match Game 72 but was still good. Then in the 1990's they did a new version of the show that was very much the same and still had some of the same guests, like Charles Nelson Reilly. The host was not as good as the prime hosting days of Match Game 72. I have always liked the show so I was excited when I saw Match Game was coming to Canada. I am kicking myself now for actually having some positive thoughts and believing the Comedy Channel could actually do something right for a change. The host is dull and any time he says something in the moment it is not funny and just painful to watch. Once in a while he gets in a good line but usually it's just painful which makes me think they don't even bother to edit this show at all. The guests are terrible and like the other reviewer here already said all they seem to do is go for the easy jokes any ten year old would think of. If I wanted to hear a bunch of pathetic penis jokes I would go down to the school yard. Aren't these people professional and if so can't they come up with something better than this? Or maybe is the channel telling them to give these answers? Maybe they even give them answers ahead of time? It doesn't really matter. The contestants are even more boring than on the other versions of the Match Game show or maybe it's just that they are bored because of the lame duck host and horrible guests giving such immature answers. Avoid this show at all cost if you don't want to lose brain cells.


Wonderfully Done
The story follows a confused and frustrated Gregory Peck who cannot remember huge and important parts of his past, from recent to years ago, and who finds out with horror that he could be a very dangerous criminal. Ingrid Bergman is a psychologist who is very interested in him as a patient but despite her necessary professional caution finds herself falling in love with him, and she just can't help herself or keep away from him. The director is obviously wonderful but so is the acting in this movie. Peck in particular is highly sympathetic. He comes across as not crazy or even mentally disturbed but just like what he is, a man who can't remember a few things and who has other strange things going on with his psyche like a bizarre fear of parallel lines. Hopefully he can figure it out with Bergman's help before it is too late!

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