
IMDb member since January 2014
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American Horror Story: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Episode 2, Season 7

well this is pointless
This feels like a school kid watched AHS, the news and The Purge and decided to write a new season and the producers just went with it cause it sounded hilarious. These are random words in order to be able to submit my review. CAR, WHALE, DOLPHIN, BIKE, GORILLA, STUFF, THINGS, WORDS, other stuff and letters.

Kidnap Capital

Worth it
I had no clue what this was going to be about before watching it but i was surprised in the best way. After watching the whole movie and without searching anything on the internet I still have no clue if this was a low budget movie or not, that s how real it feels. I'm aware that this isn't actually a 9/10 movie in IMDb review standards and it will probably settle around 7/10 or something over 6.5/10 but it is still worth it.

Dimension 404

"White Mirror"
After watching this i rewatched the episode i like the least from Black Mirror and it made it look like it was the best episode in the whole history of cinema. That's how bad this is. At first you think that maybe the show has an humoristic tone or maybe it is just trying to make fun of other shows like Black Mirror or Outer Limits. Twenty minutes into the first episode you start to realize that the "ironic tone" of it is actually a result of incompetence so you finish the episode and start the new one hoping for the best. Second episode, you see Patton Oswalt, you think "oh, i know him from Brooklyn 99" or whatever " he s a decent actor, maybe this show will pick up" then it totally disappoints again. Third episode..just stahp


I guess there's worse out there..
I had high hopes for this because the premise seemed interesting and it is filmed in Iceland. Maaan was I wrong. This movie is so dull, Matt O'Leary's acting was terrible, Maika Monroe's character was awfully written, there are some major inconsistencies and the characters and their actions are very unrealistic.

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