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Waste of time
The actors were decent and the directing was ok but no matter how good the actors were or the directing the plot of this film along with the screen play are total garbage. I really felt like I wasted my time watching this especially with the dumb ending. I was somewhat surprised how the actors and director were able to pop up this film from being a complete failure but for most of the film these two actors are in swampish type quick sand. I knew before hand that this would be really difficult to do because anyone in that situation would spend their time trying to get out but that wasn't the case because they needed something to fill up the movie time so it was pretty absurd the things they did. I think this movie could have been a lot better if the quicksand was just a quarter of the film. Who is to say the film has to entirely be about quicksand?! Anyhow, I give this film a hard pass and there are many other films that are worth watching like the Sound of Freedom which was amazing!

God Forbid

I'm no fan of the Fallwells but this guy is nothing more than a Gigalow
I am not a fan of the Falwell's, especially the father, but his son didn't choose this lifestyle, his father did, and I think few other would have walked away from the money and power based on principle, especially after having been raised by Jerry Sr. The son inherited an empire and he had to go along with the norms created by his father ad by the board. I don't fault the son for doing what he did because he was just living the life he wanted to live and had been passed on to him, although, I am sure his father wanted something else to to occur rather than this.

I think the young man behind all this is a liar. He claims he would have never chosen this if he had the choice?! So he didn't want a 5 million dollar business? Why didn't he just say no and decline the money, the gifts, and all the stuff they were doing for him? Its pretty clear that this guy was selling himself and I think they began to get bored with him because seven years is a long time and he got his feelings hurt. Its obvious they did something that really bothered him like not wanting to see him anymore and then he got hurt because the gravy train was ending. He won the gravy train lottery and was upset it was over and now he is trying to continue it by making this documentary and exposing these people with half truths. I just can't respect that!

If he was doing this for a few ,months, a year, maybe even two years, then I would cut him a lot of slack, but SEVEN YEARS and suddenly his moral compass starts working again? PA LEASE! He got dumped, his feelings were hurt, he wasn't riding the gravy train anymore, and so he went to the media to try to sell his story to make one last attempt at riding the gravy train again! This guy is worse than the people he exposed! I know many of you are going to disagree but character is so important to me and good character doesn't wait seven years and then do a paid documentary to expose people who actually treated him really well. This young man is selfish to the core and its shocking he has the gall to pretend like he wouldn't do it all over again when the reality is that he is just upset it didn't continue for longer!

Harry & Meghan

I cannot believe these two act like such victims when there are so many people suffering in the world
Facts: Millions of people are dying each week and they act like they care about the poor and unfortunate, but instead of focusing on them, they focus on themselves for a six part documentary of self loathing and narcissism.

Meghan and Harry showed zero concern for her father when in the hospital. They only wanted to know where he was to silence him. They didn't ask how he was doing, what the prognosis was, what happened, and if there is anything they could do? They just wanted to know where he was, and that's almost scary! It almost seemed like they were trying to silence him, and how they would go about it? I have no idea, but it is scary to think about.

The ONLY reason the niece was uninvited was because of how Meghan thought it would look like. If Meghan is such a strong independent woman that cares so much about women rights then she would have not cared, and made sure her niece was there. The niece was clearly and visibly saddened by what happened, and she almost seemed forced to say what she did, otherwise, she would lose the last bit of family she has because it seems like she just wants a family! I think Meghan used her to hurt her mother! And when the niece became inconvenient, she tossed her to the side, abandoned her like her mother did, and that must have been so hurtful and re-traumatizing for her niece! I could see it in her demeanor! She did a good job trying to play it off, but it was evident that she was really hurt by what Meghan and Harry did to her! I doubt the monarchy even knew who the niece was! Or cared if she was there as they had much bigger things to worry about than her niece being there.

I have no respect for Queen Elizabeth or King Phillip! They have done a horrible job raising their kids, and their kids have done the same with their kids. I would assume that being in their position that they would require their children and grand-kids to get a real education. To do something that sets an example for the rest of the British people and youth by getting degrees in a respectable field. Harry had access to the the best tutors and colleges etc but did nothing with it. Then he played toy soldier for ten years, but everyone knows he was never in any real danger! There is no way they would even risk something happening to them. They could have become doctors or scientists or do something that helped the British people either through directly helping them or setting an example. Instead, they are a bunch of do nothingers whether its Charles or Andrew and Harry or William. They have so much access to do something amazing with their lives, to demonstrate their talents, and end up doing nothing but going to charities and pretending they are special because they won the birth lottery! And then they claim its exhausting! What's exhausting for them is knowing they are not worthy of the admiration and having to pretend they are! Its exhausting pretending while deep down knowing you've done nothing your entire lives and you're around people who have actually worked to get the respect and admiration they have. I would feel so emasculated being one of them and spending time with respected people from academia etc who earned the respect they have acquired.

Harry is looking for a woman to replace his mother. I think he has deep rooted Oedipus complex, while Meghan has an Electra Complex. Harry should never be able to tell the world that Meghan no longer has a father. That's for Meghan to say, not Harry! It seems like they made a pact and Harry would get rid of his family, and Meghan would do the same with hers, and they would do everything on their own, while pretending to be each others parents. There is something very sick in this relationship and it starts with their parents and the relationship they had with their parents or wished they had with them.

This documentary reminds me of Prince Andrews interview which he thought went so well, until it aired, and then he realized it was a horror show. This just shows how out of touch these people are. Meghan played on Harrys weakness because he has no street smarts. She knew exactly what Harry was looking for, a mom. And for Harry, its the same for all the women, they want to be a princess, so he knows what they want, and will want 99.9% of the time. Meghan did a great job using her street smarts to play with Harry's mind by not making herself so available and treating him like any other guy. As a narcisissist, she knew exactly what makes him tick, what he needed to hear, experience, and to see from her, in order to get him wrapped around her fingers. He knew he just had to use his prestige and his family as a way to manipulate and dominate her. Personally, most narcissists are attracted to other narcissists, but a different kind of narcissist. Not all narcissists are the same, or use the same method, or have the same approaches. They both play on their weaknesses, and their desires, so they can get what they want. Harry is more like Andrew than anyone else! His ego and naivety make it obvious this is the case.

All I know is there isn't a good woman alive that would be interested in Harry or William because the good women would expect their love interest to have done something with their lives, to dedicate themselves to something, and not some phony charity! But, to become a doctor, a scientist, engineer, or something where their respect is actually earned, and they have somewhere to be everyday because they have this thing called work! Except, the good woman would want them to do something that helps the world, makes it a better place, and commits themselves to it. I know for a fact Diana would agree with me! I think Diana lost all respect for Charles because he literally does nothing all day, no career, nothing to dedicate himself to, no real noble cause, so I think she lost interest in him rather quickly! If Meghan was at all like Diana she would have lost interest in Harry long ago! I think Diana was forced to marry Charles, and I think Charles isn't even into women, and I don't think he is Harry's father either. The dysfunction and lies are so incredibly deep! No wonder they all feel so entitled!

The Black Phone

Finally something original from Hollywood!
It's about time that Hollywood finally starts making films that are original. Hopefully they finally got the message that these formulaic, and copycat films that we all know the end result to before finishing, is something we all loathe and will not waste our time watching. For far too long, Hollywood has tried to fit us all in a box which basically has labeled us as low IQ consumers, who don't care about the level of intellect that goes into a film, and that we aren't interested in being challenged intellectually or in any way whatsoever. This film is it intellectually challenging, but it definitely is original and fresh, and real thought had to go into dishing a fresh screenplay. It's not a movie where I knew exactly what was gonna happen at the end. Everything was really well put together. It felt a little bit short but that's OK. I would've liked them to expand more on the villain in the film, and why he became that way, but maybe they can make a prequel of that exact plot if this movie does well, which I hope it does. The acting was phenomenal, especially the boys sister who does amazing job at her role. I don't normally give ten scores, but since this is a Hollywood tight film, and since it was really well done, and original, I'm giving it a 10 because originality and new and innovative plots need to be validated and shown respect so hopefully Hollywood will catch the drift and realize that the path that they've gone with being woke and using formulaic films is not what the consumers want and it's destroying their industry!

The Essex Serpent

What did I just watch? What was the point?
What did I just watch? And what was the point of this show? I truly don't get it. The only reason I kept watching was because I thought there would be a serpent and it would get interesting because they kept giving hints that there was a serpent in the water. If you want to spend 6 hours watching a bunch of nothingness then by all means watch this show because it will leave you saying one word "why" lol.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Hollywood with no heart!
You can use all the special they want and make it look as cool as ever but it doesn't have the heart of Star Wars. They make the little girl act like an adult which is really kind of weird, and Ewan McGregor really isn't doing a good job as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the writing is just kind of really bad. Everything is formulaic and expected and there's no surprises or anything out the ordinary. I could literally predict it was gonna happen in a couple minutes over who would get sad when or who would be captured. All I gotta say is that whoever wrote this screenplay and the storyline for the show did a really bad job.

The first season of Mandolorin was really good but Jon Favaro takes way too much credit. These Star Wars shows could be great if they weren't written by Hollywood types who are completely out of touch with what people want and they have too many yes people around them to actually create a good series. This show has some really amazing graphics and cinematography but the writing and acting are atrocious! Absolutely ZERO heart behind this show and it could be felt from the beginning. It's crazy to think this show has such a dismal rating for all the money it costs which just goes to show no heart = bad ratings.

Night Sky

Gotta get through the first 2-3 episodes then it gets great!
The first few episodes makes it feel like it's going to be about two old farts and boring but by the 3rd episode it all starts getting really good. I honestly am really looking forward to season 2!

Billy the Kid

Extremely well done!!!
The show has really grown on me and at first I thought it was gonna be a cheesy history channel type produced TV series with mediocre acting and bad writing. I was absolutely wrong, and the acting has been amazing, especially with Billy the kid and Jesse because those two actors really have done an spectacular job of playing their parts. The story is also really well written, and it's chronological, which really gives you a great understanding of who billy was, where he came from, and what he became. The way the film is shot is excellent, and I love the scenery, the lighting, and the location they chose to shoot. The casting is excellent and the actor that plays Billy the kid really did a lot of research, and practicing for the part because his eyes say so much throughout the series. The look that he gives and the energy he admits really capture the essence of what Billy the kid may have really been like. When I see this guy, I don't see an actor, I actually see somebody that is authentically being who he is attempting to imitate, and whatever he does to transform and become like that, whether it's method acting, or whatever he does, he really embodies the essence what he believes Billy the kid was like. To be honest, I was actually disappointed when I first saw that he was going to be the one playing Billy the kid, but after the second episode he really starting to grow on me as the main actor, and I could tell that he could really hold himself and the show on her shoulders, which for me was especially surprising because I don't remember seeing him in any other films, or TV shows, although he's probably been in them, I just haven't seen him.


Not sure what the point was?!
This entire show was pure speculation aside from some facts that they expounded on which they even state at the beginning and end of the show to make it more entertaining. I thought we would find out what really happened in the end, but instead, we dint find out anything, and all they did was pick on this woman. We don't know if what happened was true or not but the sure took a side and chose to make candy out to be an evil psychopath. Yet, the other woman, I forgot her name, at the beginning was acting all clingy and obsessive over her husband Allan, so she certainly could have lost her temper and tried to kill candy. Candy didn't display any type of violent behavior at all, and was portrayed as a great mom, loving, but bored in her relationship. The other woman was portrayed as obsessive, but then she had an affair behind Allans back earlier in their marriage, so were supposed to believe that this obsessive woman, kicked out an adopted young boy like he was nothing, cheats on her husband, and is super dysfunctional was the victim? When candy was nice and showed no real mental issues other than what the people in this show tried to make her out to be. Allans wife threw a young boy that SHE wanted to the curb because he was a foster child and needed help, she cheated on her husband, she acted all crazy and obsessed with her husband, so I believe Candy. Back then, in Texas, and the way things happened, it makes total sense for Candy to run away and pretend like it didn't happen. And the other woman was heartless kicking a foster boy to the curb like that do I wouldn't be surprised if she did try to attack candy. I think it's really low to make a show about this to make candy out to be the bad guy. Candy had two kids who probably also had kids and they have to know about this to facade of a story! It honestly is upsetting to me because I thought at the end of episode five we would begin to find out some new facts that we didn't know about that proved candy killed the other woman but when I realized it was over I thought what a waste of great acting and producing! The acting was great and the producing etc was all well done but the idea/concept was shameful and just wrong! Truth is we don't know what happened but they sure liked to spin it which upsets me because this is real life stuff and these are peoples family's and relatives they're profiting off of by making them look bad. It's just wrong.

That Dirty Black Bag

One of my favorite shows! The way it's shot and the acting is phenomenal.
The show has a lot of twists and turns but all believable and realistic. It's certainly not a Hollywood style film where you know what's going to happen and there is way too much cheese. This show is very realistic with some really great screen writing and acting. It's quality and I'm surprised there aren't more reviews of the show. I really hope they do at least a second season and I could certainly see this going on for a good four seasons, but only if they keep the sane people who made the first season. This is the big problem with a lot of shows is that they don't retain the same people who made it great and that includes actors but also screenwriters, casting, directing and so on. They don't need to change a thing! I think next season is going to attract a lot more viewers and I see this show going hire up on the charts if they continue to make this type of quality show. Westerns are real popular right now because they're raw and real! I think people like it a lot because they hate how much society controls us and fantasize about a time when people made the rules and they were freer but also had to fight to survive in a very different way than now. All around gear show and if the people at AMC are reading this then I hope you take my word for it that this show has too much potential to not make a second season!

Tokyo Vice

Extremely well done!
Update: They HAVE to make a second season! So well done and so much more meat to the story that has yet to be cooked and devoured! HBO better retain the same talent and that goes from the actors to the the lighting director to the grip to the director! Don't change anything! It's perfect as it is and the audience will continue to grow because this is one of those shows that grabs you over the first half of the season and if done right this will become a bigger success year after year because it's FRESH IDEAS and something verify unique! The only way this will be messed up is if HBO doesn't do another season and doesn't rehire all the same people that worked on season one do it continues to have the feeling that this last season had. They don't need to add or change ANYTHING! It's perfect as is.

The show is done in a very realistic way with great character growth and it's very difficult not to get sucked into the story line. It's East meets West which shows our similarities but also the distinct differences in culture and way of life. The plot is excellent and the writing/screenplay is extremely well done. I know a little about Japanese culture but this really does seem to represent their world quite accurately. There aren't any holes in the plot and everything transitions smoothly without wondering what happened with XYZ. I'm five episodes in and loving the show. I don't review mediocre and will only review if it's absolute crud or extremely well done because both are deserving of the attention while mediocre isn't.

The Lost City

Truly a waste of time and talent
I can't quite understand how these actors would choose to make such a unfunny comedy. The humor is so basic and simple that I can't believe the actors thought this would work. With movies like these it feels as though mainstream Hollywood is intentionally trying to dumb down the population or they have become so arrogant they think they can throw a few good actors together in a film that's made with 110% cheese! It's a cheese party and laughs and humor weren't invited! And the prized guests of the party were signs and facepalms whilst shaking ones head. Was this to make a quick buck? Maybe help out a fellow producer or writer who is a friend? Or maybe they just rely on the names to bring in the money, but I don't see how any of the stars in the film can actually watch this film and feel at all good about themselves and the product they've put out. It's just a complete and utter fail from the very beginning. All I was wondering throughout the film is "why?"


Perfect TEN!!!
This is the real deal! No Hollywood fantasy distortions. Great storytelling with a great cast and great screenwriters and everything else. Great perspective of what it must have been like during that time and much better than say the History Channel, even thought this is fictional, the realness is a lesson into the history of this nation, although, we have lost the value of what all these people did back then. I wish I had lived back then, rather than living in this day and time. They had a chance at true freedom back then, which is now long gone because of big tech and some very nefarious individuals...

Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father
Episode 10, Season 1

How is it possible to RUIN the series TWICE IN A ROW!
Wow. I think this was just a money grab from Michael C Hall and everyone else from the original series. What a dumb and idiotic ending this was! It had the same feel to the season finale of the previous series, where everyone seemed totally off and gave up in the last episode because they knew it was a one and done series! There is no way this continues with Harrison. The kid couldn't hold a show with his acting, and Hall isn't much better either. He is like Will Ferrel who is one dimensional with his acting.


One of the BEST shows I have seen in a long time!
The way they chose to film this show was brilliant! The way the filmed the show, the acting, the writing, and directing an everything else was grade A great! I cannot wait for season 2 and to see what happens. I will be furious if they do not renew this show because it was so well done. There are so many different places they can take the show too with how the season ended. I really applaud these types of shows because they are so well thought out and realistic. When you watch this show you are watching something that is realistic and thats what makes it so compelling is the realness of the whole show. They really think about how they are going to present this story and do a great job at keep it realistic! I realy hope they get this next season out soon!


Who in the ******* wrote this script! And why the **#*$#*@ did it get approved?!
I was watching this film and it was so absolutely stupid that I was enthralled by how absolutely idiotic and downright LOW IQ these writers are for the film! I mean, they are walking back to their car, they hear several gun shots, but that doesn't set off any red flags, then the Asian guy gets shot in the arm, but nope, they are all still trying to figure out what was going on, and were still entertaining the idea that it was by accident. They get to the car and aren't even really acting worried about the fact that someone has been shooting around them and also AT THEM. Then all of a sudden, which was no surprise to me, the gunman starts shooting at the car, so the guys get behind it and act like Re---Tards and were still trying to figure out what was going on. Then they finally realize what's going on, so they run for it. They run for a little while, and then they stop, and then they run again and get to a creek, a very small creek, and they try to make it look dramatic when the last guy tries to cross a creek that is no more than a width of 6 feet. One of the guys slips and falls in, so he decides to take off his shoes and start cleaning them and putting plastic wrap in his shoes, but lets pay no mind to the fact that someone is TRYING TO KILL YOU AND SHOOTING AT YOU! But here is this low IQer tying his shoes and acting like nothing is going on. I couldn't help but laugh throughout this entire part of the film wondering if this was suppose to be funny or if they were legit trying to make it funny. Unfortunately, it wasn't supposed to be funny, and I think this is an example of how Europeans know very little about guns etc since they are all practically outlawed, for the most part, in most of the European nations. Anyhow, the rest of the movie is just pathetically stupid, waste of time, and horrible acting, screen writing, and filming! This was just pathetic and I don't know how these people get money to make these films! The thinking behind the writing of this film was so elementary that there are kids that write better screenplays than these guys! The kids might not know how to write in the formate required for screenwriting but they would be a lot more creative with their ideas and put something to gather with a ghostwriter ten times better than whoever wrote this piece of cow dung! Honestly, whoever wrote this really needs to get another career because this was just pathetic! Really, you're going to have a guy sit there for minutes just after they realized they are being shot and one of their friends was shot in his arm?! I mean, its just so DUMB that I don't know whether I should rip out my hair or to laugh uncontrollably! Either way, this is not something I would suggest anyone take the time to watch.

Into the Night: Zara
Episode 1, Season 2

The entire season was bogus!
Although the entire season was bogus I am hoping season 3 will make a come back. Not sure if they fired the writers for the first session but the writing for the second season was pathetically bad! I won't ruin it with spoilers but the concept of the show is good but the writers are horrible! The directors are not very good either because some of the shots and how things are done are incredibly cheap and not sure if they went cheap to fill their own pockets. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a second season, maybe that's why this was so bad because they knew this wasn't going to get approved for a third season so they didn't care about the result since they were already getting paid but if they do make a third season they need to get better writers and directors. The actors were good though, for the most part.


The Norwegians and Swedish are making great shows and movies because they are real and people can relate!
I love how the Norwegians and Swedish are doing the opposite of the Americans etc because they cast realistic looking people, and everyone isn't perfect, and the writing is realistic and real! I believe what makes a good show into a GREAT show is the real factor because when its realistic people are transported into what they are watching. Yet, when its fantasy its all just make believe kid stuff and its just not interesting. The reason most film makers use some fantasy with realism is because they use the fantasy writing and casting etc to make up for the fact that their writing is subpar and their style isn't good so they make up for it with silly fantasy plots and pretty faces but bad actors. The main actress isn't the most beautiful woman, but there is something about her, and it shines really bright! She is still beautiful, but she is beautiful on both the inside and outside, a healthy mix, whilst most of the time, actresses that play her part are just pretty on the outside and don't have the personality nor the acting talent this actress clearly has! She is a real actress and she is going to continue to do well. All of them are great actresses/actors! Bravo.

Naomi Osaka

She gets paid millions of dollars, gets to travel the world, people adore her, and yet, she complains about how hard she has it, and refuses to do press conferences! Totally absurd! She is totally selfish and doesn't; think about her fans or the people who know about her, especially the kids! She sends the wrong message to the youth because they see her complaining about being famous, and having to do interviews, so if that is so bad, then it must be HELL for all the kids who don't have her wealth, fame, talent, etc etc etc! If she is so miserable being FAMOUS, and CHOOSING to documentaries like this one, but cannot answer a few questions to reporters, then it sure seems to me that we have quickly created a SUPER Diva out of thin air! She is not all that either, and she has a long way to go to be given so much attention for such a short period of success!

A Quiet Place Part II

Excellently directed, but the concept has a lot of holes in it, which ruin the film in many ways...
The directing was great, but the film was far too short! What are they planning on making 2 more movies after this one? Are they really trying to juice this for as much $$$ as they can get?! Makes me a little upset because they could easily wrap this up in three, which I would prefer, and four just seems greedy to me, and played out! They could close it out in three, which would make far more sense.

What does bother me about the concept is how did these aliens come from outer space, traveled all this way, and they are basically primitive retards? How did they build a spacecraft to get to earth with that type of retarded mind? Are we really going to find out that they are controlled by some omnipotent overlords on a space ship which we haven't even seen yet? Which would be really porr execution to make it known by movie THREE! If there are overlords, who are far smarter than their pawns, then we should have known about it in movie 2! And if they get the idea from me, then they better contact me because that is bad karma, and give the credit to where its due! The idea is great, but the actual follow through with the entire plot has many many holes, which could easily be fixed, if they had someone like me helping, but I guess, you have to be a movie star nowadays to be able to write a screenplay that's picked up.

Secondly, the way they found out how to kill them with sound is something the US government, and many other governments, could have figured out quite rapidly. Clearly, they would test all sorts of things out, and they would have many many underground, impenetrable bunkers (since these aliens are so low IQ) which would allow them to live and sustain themselves as long as they like to figure out how to stop these things. It certainly wouldn't take them 400+ days to realize that sound waves is something that could potentially render these low IQ aliens into easy targets to be destroyed at will. Maybe for the simpletons out there, who don't know much about our government, or science would think this story is plausible, but for an educated viewer, it just seems too convenient, and unrealistic.

Thirdly, what happened to the Air force?! Between all the nations in the world, we are talking 100,000+ military planes like F-16 and a plethora of bombers capable of bombing and attacking these creatures, so why are they not used? Especially since America and other nations have aircraft carriers! If these aliens cannot swim, and we have nuclear powered aircraft carriers, without hundreds of aircrafts out there, and fully loaded with bombs etc, then there is no reason they are not out there bombing these creatures into bits and pieces! Or, at the very least, at the beginning when this all began, but there isn't anything about airplanes, or the military, and none of that throughout the first two movies, which makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

Lastly, the whole part with the weirdos at the boats, who prefer to live amongst the alien creatures, and were waiting for people to come to the boats so they could capture them is absolutely asinine! Seriously! These guys would prefer to wait around, after MORE THAN a year goes by, waiting for someone to come to the docks, while they just wait there the entire time? Absolutely unrealistic! Lets be real here, after a year goes by, how many people do you think go to the docks there? They were probably the first people in months, and so they wait patiently the entire time, whilst there these aliens all around waiting to kill them? They would rather wait by the docks to kill people etc than to get to safety?

I think Krasinski did an EXCELLENT job directing the film. It was absolutely superb, and even though there were so many holes in the plot, which did irritate me, it was executed brilliantly! John, if you are reading this review, imagine how much better the next two films would be if they were REALISTIC! You can get peoples hearts beating fast with great directing, but what makes a movie go down in the history books as the BEST is that it captures people in a way that they believe what they see is possible, and it could happen in real life, which is not the case with the first two films, but hey, if you're looking for a side kick who can help you write something that is amazing and realistic then look me up because you have a great idea here, but I think you have too many Yes Men with you, and people are not giving you authentic answers about your plot and writing. B. Corvalan is my name.... I already have a career, but I certainly would love an opportunity to be involved in a project like this, and making movies that are realistic, where people actually think that could be them in the movie, and put an end to unrealistic Hollywood films! My profession is psychology, so I know what people want to see, and what people crave the most, more than anything, is to watch a film that takes them into a world where they think it could actually happen to them...

The Me You Can't See

I am a Clinical Psychologist....
What I really disliked is the lack of facts, tools, and methods for helping people. Its more of a victimhood mentality. It's not inspirational, nor is it nearly as informative as it could have been. What I really disliked, is the idea that we are genetically programmed for these mental illnesses.

Every single mental illness, and I mean every single one of them, begins at a point in one's life when they experience a severe trauma like abuse, loss of a loved one, and all sorts of things that can happen to people, especially during childhood, which manifest later on because the trauma was never addressed, thus spurring mental health issues. Everything comes down to an individual's environment when they experienced a trauma, the support system they have, etc. If they do not have the right environment, etc, then later on in life these traumas later manifest as a mental illness. There is nothing we cannot overcome! The biggest thing that they didn't touch on is how our mind impacts our bodies. For example, soldiers coming back from Iraq with PTSD all had B vitamin deficiencies. When we experience serious trauma it not only impacts our minds, but it influences our body, and our body compensates by releasing more stored nutrients, pumps out hormones like cortisol, and eventually, if the body is not addressed to, people develop serious mental health problems, which can easily be addressed with a REAL overview of the nutrient status and their hormones! There are so many studies out there that prove that Trauma = physiological overcompensation for the stressor they are dealing with. Most people who are experiencing depression, I can assure you, are probably also deficient in nutrients and their hormones are out of whack, which makes talk therapy ONLY part of the answer, and this is coming from a Clinical Psychologist!

Master of None: Moments in Love, Chapter 1
Episode 1, Season 3

Aziz should feel ASHAMED! This could be the end for him! ALL because of Wokeness
This show was literally hijacked by wokeness and cancel culture! I literally feel insulted right now watching this! This is NOT Master of None!!!! Not the same show. Nothing like the two previous seasons! I guess Aziz is too much of a coward to keep being himself which we all loved! I didn't buy into all the negative press about him trying to hook up with ONE woman! Its insane how they tried to destroy him, but whats even more insane, is the fact he let them destroy him by allowing them to radically change who he is and what he makes! Aziz, they began the destruction of your career, and now you are putting in the final touches on the death of you career with this garbage! Dude, DO YOU! It works! All this wokeness will be the end of you! And this review is going to be one OF MANY! The Aziz from before is the one we loved! I promise you most people didn't even believe in the accusation made against you! But you bought into it! You bought into it so much that you wrote YOURSELF out of you OWN show, removed the white guy, and made it about WOKE culture! Now you should feel ashamed! Before you should of have been insulted, it should have made you want to make an even better product, but instead, you caved in, and became what they wanted you to become, WEAK!


So this show should be on a radio station or a podcast! There is no video in this show and it's all audio from made up phone calls which is incredibly lame idea! I couldn't keep watching this. I am literally staring at a screen listening to people talk on a phone call. This is blatantly absurd! ONE STAR!!!!!!

Coming 2 America

They are so GREEDY they decided to pay for cheap CGI and pocket the money
It was so obvious to me that they decided to use horrible CGI to pocket the money on this movie instead of spending it so the finished product is great like the first movie. This is the problem with these has been stars like Nicholas Cage who are so desperate to make a few more bucks because they are running low like Eddie Murphy and the rest of the old timers so they see these films as a one time chance to make a big pay day again because they know their caerers are over with. Had they actually believed in what they were doing they would have demanded better CGI, or not done it at all, but they wanted a BIG movie and a BIG pay day, but realized they had to have one or the other, so they took the pay day by paying themselves out of the films buget and settled with horrible quality CGI, directing, screen writers, etc etc! The movie was so lazy, stupid, and of poor quality, which goes to show that Eddie Murphy was a success because he surrounded himself with the right people back in the 80s and 90s! Making a comedy film is far different than making a comedy movie which is why all great comedians don't become succesful movie stars because they need great producers. directors, screen writers, like Eddie did. Eddie should just stop! His career is over with! Just like Nicholas Cage who is making a ton of horrible B movies just to make payments on all his debts! This was nothing more than a pay day for Eddie and the rest of the old timers and the quality of the film just proves it!

Also, it would have been smart for the cast not to make this film about race when they were being interviewed by the media because here in the USA, their main market, is 70% white, so great way to single out your biggest customer base! Low IQ all the way guys!

Erasing Family

What an excellent film touching on a subject which is so pervasive yet rarely discussed or brought up in the media
I am a child of divorced parents. The divorce between my parents was so horribly bad that it would eventually be used in case law in California because of how nasty the divorce had become, and that was especially due to the lawyers involved. The lawyers play on the parents, instill things into their psyche, get them anxious, concerned about being attacked, so the get them to attack preemptively. My father was a very successful surgeon. He was first generation from Chile. He was completely self made. By the end of the divorce, my father was bankrupt, depressed, and had to work incredibly hard at the age of fifty years old to reestablish himself, which he did, and I will never forget how hard my father worked to get himself back on his feet again, which took him at least a decade. But at the same time, it hurt our relationship because he was so focused on working and trying to get himself back to the lifestyle he had known for most of his life that he was unable to spend as much time with me as he would have liked. However, he did spend an incredible amount of time with me considering the circumstances. My mother hired the worst type of lawyer, got her angry, made her feel like she deserve red more than she did, but most of all, made her think the divorce and legal battle would not hurt me. My mother had her reasons for wanting to get divorced, and they were valid reasons, but the way the legal system was setup, well, it mainly benefits the lawyers and the government because as this film points out, a lot of fathers end up paying child support to the government in the form of interest.

The worst thing about the divorce was how it affected me. In second grade, I was told I was dyslexic, taken from my regular class, and put in special ed with kids who had serious cognition issues like down syndrome etc. It destroyed my self-esteem. I hated school and would eventually drop out in 10th grade because I hated special ed and always felt as though I was inferior to my peers. By the time I was 21, I had acquired my GED, and began community college. I didn't do well the first semester at all, so my mother suggested I go to the special ed department and get myself the help I always received during 2nd through 10th grade. I spent an entire day getting evaluated. I waited a week for the results, and I found out a week later that I never had a learning disability in the first place. It was one of the most bitter and sweet moments of my life because I knew I was no longer inferior to my peers, but I resented the school system for all those years they made me feel as though I wasn't good enough. To make matters worse, the schools get more money based on special needs kids, and we are talking A LOT OF MONEY, so always get a second opinion from someone outside the school system, and do not mention they had already been diagnosed with anything, so they start with a clean slate with the clinician.

The entire reason I was doing so poorly in second grade was because my parents divorce was ongoing, I was severely depressed, and that's why I wasn't behaving properly or had any desire to excel or do well in school. As someone who has recently graduated with my masters in Clinical Psychology I can honestly say that this should have been so obvious to staff at my school, but what I realized by high school was the district I was in was sending all their problem children to special ed, which is why so many of the kids who were there in high school are like myself, psychologists, lawyers, and successful people. Most of them didn't have a learning disability, but rather, a tough time at home, and when you're depressed and have low self-esteem you do not want to excel and also want to rebel against the system which you think has wronged you, and has wronged you.

I was fortunate enough to have a course where Dr. Judy Ho was a guest speaker almost one year ago today. She is a great person, and she truly wants to help people and future clinicians. I was very impressed with her and how she comes across. I could tell she really wanted to give everyone in the class the insight and information for us to succeed in the profession. She is certainly someone I aspire to be like, and I will always be thankful for her suggesting to the class how we can become forensic psychologists without having to go back to graduate school and instead getting certified which is what I will be doing very soon because I want to help families and especially kids in situations like these. As much as I hated going through what I had with my parents divorce, it has given me the tools I need to be an excellent clinician, and I was fortunate enough to find this out when I finally started working as an intern with children in an elementary school setting.

The one thing I can offer both as a professional and as someone who has endured the worst type of divorce is for parents to stop making the divorce and separation about yourselves! The moment you have children your lives no longer are about YOU but about "US" as in "FAMILY" and even if you divorce your spouse they will always be family and will always be connected to you through memories and the blood you passed on through your children. If you are going through a divorce do not talk badly about the other parent, do not try to manipulate your kids, do not try to do anything you normally wouldn't do! Kids are for more sensitive than most parents realize. Kids may not be intelligent enough to know what is going on, but they are far more aware when it comes to FEELINGS, which as adults get older, we forget all about! Everything we do in life is about feeling! Every action you take is based on a feeling before a thought! You don't want to succeed because it THINKS good but because it FEELS GOOD! Everything we do is based on our feelings and the intention is either to experience a feeling or avoid a feeling and then that's where our thoughts come into action. Jesus said that those who spend much time with children find their way to heaven far quicker than those who don't spend any time with children because children are here to remind us of who we really are, and that is, sensitive and feeling beings, but after trauma and hurt we learn to shut those feelings off and go with our thoughts which only lead us to dissatisfied lives, fear, and guide us to places that leave us unfulfilled. If parents were only to be more like their children, and find themselves again, then they will be far better parents, and if divorce occurs, they will be far better divorced parents for the benefit of their children and their own mental and emotional well-being.

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