
IMDb member since January 2014
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    10 years


3 from Hell

Worth it just for William Shatner
This will contain massive spoilers and is a bit of a joke review, so be warned.

To me this movie can be summed up by this:

  • Guy discovers his family is cursed
  • Oh hey, William Shatner is his dad
  • William Shatner tells his son he's too much of a p**sy to go die trying to lift the curse on his family, long monologue expressing how death is sweet relief
  • Now William Shatner's son and his wife and kids are going into the death cave!
  • Everyone dies, except for William Shatner's son
  • Then William Shatner calls and says it's all a dream!
  • The glorious William Shatner arrives in his golf kart along with a grenade launcher and explosives
  • William Shatner blows up the demons with his grenade launcher, sometimes even from a distance less than 3 feet!
  • William Shatner explodes the cave, dying heroically while the rest of the family escapes with the demon totem
  • The demon totem is destroyed and everyone lives happily ever after, except for the majestic William Shatner who gave up his life trying to lift the curse on his family, being forever remembered as the glorious hero he was
  • But wait, William Shatner's son was actually dying all along and the whole movie was just a hallucination

I love William Shatner.

Death Valley

So sad it was cancelled
God I loved this series, I still don't understand why it was cancelled.

After recently watching "What We Do in the Shadows" and more of Waititi's stuff I think there's definitely an audience for a mockumentary style cops vs zombies show.

Netflix, get on this.


Low production value
So I was going into this knowing it wouldn't be the best movie ever, but still, the start of the movie was pretty okay. The acting was doable and I got interested in how the world got to the state it was in.

However then about 8 minutes in we get a scene with a teacher giving a lecture. I kept thinking "what is that I'm hearing?". Turns out that every time the teacher speaks you hear noise in the background. It starts and stops exactly when he talks. It seems like whoever made this movie thought it would be a good idea to just cut out the noise in between the words and not even try to actually remove the noise from the audio or just record the scene again.

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