
IMDb member since May 2005
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    18 years


Dad Savage

Great film...did nick certain aspects of other films.
This film is has some great acting and a great review may contain some spoilers...but I will keep them 2 a minimum.

Dad Savage tells the story of a father searching for the man who killed his son....this father is excellently played by the on par as usual Patrick Stewart.

This film as other people have said does take parts off other films...and is like a British Tarintino film....with a reservoir Dogs scenario (Every1 is a suspect and in a single room) and a Pulp Fiction way of telling the story (film times and scenes not in chronological order 4 effect).Surprisingly though this film pulls it off....becoming more than a fanboy wannabee.....

The story gets more and more pacey as it goes along with a climatic and great ending that is a bit surprising.....Under-rated...I am pretty sure this is a English film yet you can only buy it in the US and only on Video....a shame really!

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