Reviews (7)

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    **Title:** *A Promising Start for Dexter: Origins, Hoping for More*

    **Review:** I'm a huge fan of the original *Dexter* series, despite being disappointed with the way it ended. While *Dexter: New Blood* didn't quite live up to expectations, I'm hopeful for *Dexter: Origins*. The first episode shows a lot of promise, and the casting of Patrick Gibson and Molly Brown as the young Morgan siblings is spot on. It's also a pleasant surprise to see Christian Slater and Patrick Dempsey back on TV. I'm excited to see how the season unfolds and am optimistic it will get even better as it progresses. A great start!
  • I recently finished watching the entire season of The Day of the Jackal on Peacock and thoroughly enjoyed it. Eddie Redmayne's portrayal of the Jackal was exceptional; he perfectly captured the character's balance of ruthlessness and the love he holds for his wife and son. His performance was a highlight of the series. However, I wasn't as impressed with Lashana Lynch's portrayal of Bianca. Her acting felt rather one-dimensional, with moments of blank stares that lacked emotion, making it hard to connect with her character. Despite this, the rest of the cast delivered stellar performances, and the stunning locations and excellent writing kept me engaged throughout the show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have enjoyed this show since the beginning, and was sad to see some of the actors had to leave the show but that's TV. However in the beginning in my opinion the stories were crisp and well written and believeable. I really like the relationships between the characters and that tackled serious issues with a just a touch of humor. I enjoyed this show so much that i would always watch on the following day after the firts broadcast so i can watch it on streaming because i get to skip commercials. Lately though i have been skipping episodes, because I find the stories lacking. One of my pet peeves is the relationship between Chen and Bradford I don't see it, there is no chemistry and they don't gell. And Nolans relationship, nada!! In Castle it was better!!! And the stories are just not as compelliing.
  • It's hard to believe that this series is now into it's third season, the moment I heard that Queen Latifah was the lead, I rolled my eyes. But I thought I'd give it chance and after the 1st two episodes from the first season I gave it one episode too many, after I stopped watching with such a slow sunday thought I'd give it another shot and sad to say not much has changed, script bad, action sequences bad, some of the acting and some of these actors are not bad but they seem to be just going through the paces. I'm sorry but Queen does not strike me as an operator with skills of a hand to hand, spy, and weapons expert, etc.... It's a no mas for me, and CBS cancelled East New York instard of this...Oi!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Upgrade is this crazy sci-fi flick by Leigh Whannell that blew my mind. So, there's this dude Grey Trace, right? Gets attacked, ends up paralyzed and widowed. But wait for it-enter STEM, this wild chip that not only fixes him but turns him into a total superhero.

    The action? Insane. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster the whole time. Logan Marshall-Green nails it as Grey, dealing with this super-implant thing. And the visuals? Neon lights everywhere, a mix of cool and gritty.

    Upgrade isn't just about action; it makes you think about messing with tech and being all "upgraded." Like, are we playing with fire here? It's like "The 6 Million Dollar Man," but pumped up on steroids.

    If you dig mind-bending, futuristic stories that make you question stuff, Upgrade is a must-watch. Totally get why I call it "The 6 Million Dollar Man on Steroids." It's a wild ride that leaves you wondering about the price of messing with our bodies.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I said to myself Oh No!! But the storyline kept up with the music and it was Star Trek! Don't know if I could sit through another one, but this episode could be made into a Broadway Show, it was just that good! The music, the singing, the choreography, the whole shooting match!

    And the Klingons scene was so short it left me wanting for more!

    I understand that many will hate this episode, because musicals are not there thing, and it is a far departure from Star Trek. But sometimes you have to let go!

    I was truly entertained by this episode!

    SNW is a great series the, for me it's the best since DS9!
  • I thought I had clicked on the Lower Decks instead of SNW before I realized it was a crossover episode! It was fantastic! I rank this episode on par with DS9's episode crossover with the TOS about theTrouble with Tribbles. For those who haven't seen that one, it's a must see! Especially the bar fight scene with the Klingons!

    Its another Classic!

    This episode was absolutely fantastic! I enjoyed every minute of it. Nice touches at the ending. This Crossover is clearly an instant classic

    At first I didn't like Lower Decks because I thought it treated Star Trek with complete irreverence. However the more I watched I slowly became a fan. It did honor TOS in a humorous way!