
IMDb member since July 2014
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The Field

Actual unique premise on this one
I went into this completely blind and I loved it! First, it is low budget, so there's the typical issues with that. And yes, there are some plot holes, but the story centers on a mystery so it's forgivable that not every single thing is explained.

A couple moves to a rural farm. The photographer husband begins capturing ghostly figures in his pictures. And as the wife cleans out the house she discovers evidence of a pagan cult. The elderly neighbor lady mysteriously disappeared then reappeared decades before, but was it actually HER that came back? Is the field behind their house a spiritual vortex? Or a wormhole in space-time? Was the cult worshipping the powers of the field? Or does the cult exist in a parallel universe?

I would classify this film as sci-fi much more than horror or thriller. It's not perfect, but it's very interesting. And I'm this modern film age of reboots, remakes, and tired tropes it was really refreshing to find an actual new, unique idea for a plot.

Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec

I came on this site to provide a link of this movie to a friend. I was saddened to see it only have a 6 out of 10 average rating. My family thought it was absolutely great! This movie is pure whimsy. My daughter is 5- doesn't speak French and can't read well enough to keep up with subtitles- and even she loved it!

A previous reviewer gave it good marks but then complained about some of the sillier gags and unrealistic developments. Just be prepared to suspend reality for a couple of hours. Relax and enjoy the thrilling, intelligent and very visually pleasing steampunk-esque adventure. The heroine was especially enjoyable as she was beautiful, witty, rebellious and copping a bit of an attitude. All while keeping her breasts covered the entire time (imagine that, Hollywood).

To the makers of this film: You owe me royalties. This movie combined 3 out of 5 of the plots I had outlined for a YA book series. I guess it's back to the drawing board for me. :-(

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