
IMDb member since June 2005
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Trust Me

Outstanding Dramedy
Trust Me on many levels captures the zeitgeist of 2009. The dialogue is very sharp, and from episode one you see that this is a show designed for the late 2000's. The prominence of Starbucks coffee and the Apple iPhone in the show (product placement!) along with the gripe of the commute into the city connects the audience to the modern setting of middle-class metropolitan life. An edgy factor of Trust Me is that at times, these contemporary characters use profanity. They can, since it's not on a broadcast network, and it makes it a little more real. Some of the scenes of visualized imaginings of some characters, I as a viewer felt were awkward, but I acknowledge that it's a post-modern facet to the show. The personalities were diverse for all being "ad people" and overall the scripting I felt was highly bullet-resistant. They even weave in recession gripes. Tom Cavanagh's hyper-animated "Conner" stole the show. For a drama this fun to watch to be axed is a real shame.

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