
IMDb member since January 2015
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Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie

A very under-rated fan-funded film
I'd like to talk about two things here actually: the film itself, and how it's getting so many negative reviews here.

First of all, let me talk about the film itself. This is an AMAZING film. I wouldn't necessarily call it "funny", as only a few parts of the film made me chuckle. But it's actually really awesome for different reasons.

So much happens in the actual movie -- a zombie scene, car chases, rooftop battles, giant monsters destroying cities, talking aliens, and of course the infamous ET review. The effects were awesome; you could really tell that a lot of attention to detail was given to every shot in the film.

The music is really amazing as well. I love the song Maverick Regeneration. It's basically a mixture of chip-tune and symphonic metal. I've looked around for other music like that, but couldn't find any that quite matched that blend.

As far as other aspects go, the acting is pretty good, the story and dialog is nicely done, and I like the writing. The jokes are probably the weakest point of the film, but even there I had some good chuckles. The part where the general gets his other arm chopped off by the door always catches me off-guard! XD I also really loved the visual jokes, like the toy tank flying off the cliff. LOL! The two biggest strengths of this movie are definitely the visuals and the music, but other elements don't fall too far behind those either. I loved watching what's obviously a toy van being blown up. XD James and his crew achieved a lot of unique tricks with the effects in this film that make it very interesting to watch, like the alien puppet for instance.

So with that, I give this film a solid 8/10.

Now for the other half of my review: the negative critiques. I really think people give this film a lot of crap that it doesn't deserve, but at the same time I can understand why. People in general are used to seeing big-budget films in the theater, and everyone follows what society tells them is right. So when somebody sees a film like the AVGN movie that does something radically different than what he or she is used to, that person is probably not going to like it.

It's completely fine not to like something, but it feels very much like a lot of people were very closed-minded when reviewing this film. While there are definitely aspects about the film that aren't perfect, there are also aspects of the film that are very high-quality, like the music. Yet the awesome music NEVER gets mentioned in many of the negative reviews. That by the way, also leads me to another point, that people are only pointing out all the negatives and none of the positives; they're just hating on the movie for the sake of hating on it.

What I'm basically trying to say is, people that talk down on the AVGN movie are taking it seriously when they shouldn't be, and they're being closed minded about it. Anything creatively different or unique in the film is going to get bashed for that reason, mainly because much of the film isn't what people are generally used to. Most people like to conform to society and expect certain things out of media, like music, video games and movies. If something is radically different and doesn't follow the standards that everyone expects, it will likely get bashed. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Just because something is drastically unique doesn't make it bad. Have an open mind about it, and don't take this film too seriously. It's a wild ride that can be enjoyed by many!

The Irate Gamer

I am utterly amazed this guy is actually still on YouTube...
It's hard for me to begin describing Chris Bores without my mind immediately wanting to resort to profanities, but I will make sure I refrain from doing so here.

Well anyway, what is there to say about the Irate Gamer that hasn't already been said? Everyone's already pointed out that he's a blatant ripoff of the Angry Video Game Nerd, his jokes are terrible, the information in his videos is often inaccurate, and he cannot play a video game for his life.

What ESPECIALLY bothered me was his most recent Irate Gamer episode.

*Possible slight spoiler warning here*

About 20 seconds under the 7 minute mark, there is a scene where random people are cheering, but underneath that you can distinctly hear "*explicit* YOU AVGN!" being shouted in the background. The fact that Chris is willing to stoop this low and bash James Rolfe, a truly talented, genuine and inspirational filmmaker, is just beyond insane. No civilized person with a clear conscience will resort to this behavior, and any respect I could have POSSIBLY mustered for Chris is now completely non-existent.

So having said that, is there any redeemable qualities in his videos? Well, the special effects are okay, but that's really it. His quality of work has shown no signs of progress over the years, as far as I could tell. While James Rolfe has matured over the years and proved himself as an experienced mind with special effects and cinematography, Chris Bores' videos have the same production quality since he first started.

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