
IMDb member since January 2015
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    IMDb Member
    9 years


Da xiao jiang hu

A Cheesy Kung-Fu Comedy To Be Enjoyed
Looking at the previous 1/10 review and very little information about this movie it like more people have written it off before ever giving the screening a chance. If you like Martial Arts, Cheesy Acting and Lewd Comedy then you will absolutely LOVE this movie. While browsing through Amazon Prime last night I stumbled across this gem; and, seeing that the name is very similar to Kung Fu Hustle, I gave it a shot. BEST. DECISION. AT. 4AM. The English subtitles are wrong, the acting is so goofy and the overall feel of the movie is just awkward..... yet, it instills a joyous feeling that will berate you with infectious laughter! If you enjoy any of the farce Martial Arts movies i.e. Shaolin Soccer, God of Cookery, then give one a shot :)


Woefully painful
This movie was a complete waste of money and time. The supposed "rape scene" was nothing more than a greedy Human being tearing off the limbs of an "angel". The ending of the movie was completely absurd.

Thank you Disney!

My six year old daughter was heart-broken and crying thanks you ending. "Daddy, daddy, does this mean true love doesn't exist?" OF COURSE IT DOES! What were you trying to pull with this ending?!?! My daughter deserved better than some sick twisted fairytale! I TRUSTED YOU Disney! This is the first movie your company has ever done where it portrays gruesome fighting and killing, plus you destroyed any ideas about love and romance. In review I thought the movie deserved at least a 4/10, but my daughter wants me to say 1/10. So... here you go Disney.... 1/10.

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