
IMDb member since June 2015
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


Project Almanac

I'm surprised I let the movie finish, honestly
If you would like to watch a horrible found footage movie featuring some of the dumbest characters alive, you found the movie.

Character motivations and decision making were incredibly illogical. The camera movement felt forced, unmotivated and just flat out didn't make sense sometimes (why would you film yourself committing a felony?). The character blocking in each scene felt awkward. The time travel effects were basically a shaky cam and a leaf blower. And there's about 20 min of a Lollapalooza scene that is obviously just filler and contains only 1 moment that moves the story along.

If you enjoy this movie and rate it high, you are ruining movies for the rest of us. This is just sloppy, horrible film making and we'll get more of this crap if people keep paying to see it.

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