
IMDb member since July 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


American Dreams

Great show. NBC should be ashamed.
American Dreams is without a doubt the best and most complete show of this century. It was incredibly real. You couldn't help but get sucked into the lives of the Pryor family and feel their happiness and pain along with them. The writing was excellent, and the acting was superb. It was an excellent show. The events that took place were all things that people were really faced with in the 1960's. But unfortunately today people are just not capable of appreciating a quality program. People are more interested in watching people in swimsuits eating insects or marrying millionaires. What Paris Hilton's dog is wearing has become more important than morals and family values. These things could all be very easily acessed in American Dreams.

However, due to the lack of moral character in this country, and the lack of moral responsibility at NBC, this show has left us too soon. Had American Dreams been on 10-15 years ago along with the likes of "The Wonder Years" or "The Cosby Show", I believe it would have made it at least ten seasons. NBC is obviously more interested in "reality" apparently than quality programming. So this year instead of snuggling up on the couch with your family and watching American Dreams, you can watch Martha Stewart (a convicted felon by the way) hire and fire people. That will be great for your family.

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