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Gekijô-ban poketto monsutâ - Myûtsû no gyakushû

An excellent movie for kids
Even though I am older I can still enjoy watching this movie.

When I was a kid this movie made me cry. The part where Ash turned into stone was really sad. And then Pikachu would touch Ash to see if he is still alright, but he didn't respond. Then Pikachu and after him all the other Pokemon who were there would start to cry. The first time I saw this as a kid I started to cry as well. Even now when I rewatch it I still cry. It's just a really sad moment and I was so happy when Ash woke up again thanks to the tears of all the Pokemon. So I will always remember this sad moment. And whenever I look back at my childhood this moment will show up.

This movie did not only have sad moments but also very cool moments. For instance the battle between the Pokemon of the trainers and the cloned Pokemon of Mewtwo.

This movie is made for kids but I can still enjoy it when I'm older. This movie just means so much to me.

That's why I give this movie a 10 out of 10.

World War Z

A movie you would like to watch again
World War Z might not be the best movie ever made but it is certainly worth watching.

I love the part in the beginning in Philadelphia. The chaos in that scene is amazing. I really like to rewatch that part.

I also like the part in Korea. Where they have to be quiet to make sure they won't alert the 'zombies'. This is a very tense moment because you don't want them to alert the 'zombies'. And then when the cell-phone goes off you really feel bad for them and you hope they will make it back to the airplane in time.

The part in Israel is also very good. First they think they are safe but then eventually the 'zombies' climb over the wall and everyone is in danger. I love it when they try to escape from Isreal. You feel that pressure of the 'zombies' coming closer and closer.

The part where Gerry is in the lab and he is no longer visible for the 'zombies' is also very cool. He just drinks some Pepsi like everything is okay. This is a cool moment and is also very cool thanks to the performance of Brad Pitt.

It is a fun movie. It is a movie you can watch twice and you would still enjoy it. The movie is not perfect but it is certainly a movie I recommend watching.

Score: 8 out of 10

C'era una volta il West

A beautiful masterpiece!
Once upon a time in the west is a true masterpiece. In my opinion it has the best opening of all time. And his line with 'You brought two to many.' Love it!

The ending is also very beautiful. The duel with Frank is perfect! It's very intense. I love the part when you get a flashback when he met Frank for the first time. I always get the chills whenever I see that part. Because there is so much meaning in that scene. And when Frank puts the harmonica in his mouth and the music starts playing.... Just perfect!

Speeking of the music let's not forget the amazing soundtrack of this movie. Thanks to Ennio Morricone. His music makes those intense moments even better. Thanks to the music it has become a true masterpiece.

So that's why I believe that this movie is a masterpiece! And this movie is most certainly worth a 10 out of 10.

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