
IMDb member since November 2015
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American Gods

Wonderful Production, Overboard With The Sex
My husband and I both have been fans from the beginning because simply, there are undeniable scenes of greatness and moments of delight, and a story that only gets better and better. In fact, I just smile at the reviewers who state emphatically that they're "out!" Oh, they'll be back, if not still watching.

My issue is with all the sex. It's like watching some soft porn, and if we wanted that we'd watch it, but on our time, when we're in the mood. Far be it for me to try and squelch creativity, but it is just plain not creative if you overload the senses with it. Take for example in the finale, the one scene with Bilkus. It went on far longer than it needed to. Wow us with what you come up with on screen but don't be so overbearing with it.

The Handmaid's Tale

Some, as in this series, would want to make up your mind for you ...
To begin, the book it is based on was written in the 80's, before the IVF - however, the reason they use coitus is because of the puritanical system of beliefs they have established in the land and which they base EVERYTHING on. As in the bible which they quote Genesis 16:1 "Now Sarai, Abram's wife had borne him no children, and she had an Egyptian maid whose name was Hagar. Sarai said to Abram, "Now behold, the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Please go in to my maid; perhaps I will obtain children through her." Seriously, for people speaking of "IQ's", this shouldn't be hard to grasp.

Secondly, the more you watch, you see how things transpired to get them to the point they are in Gilead. It is presented through a series of flashbacks, and yes, there are books, and cell phones, and the Internet, and cars and trains and automobiles - imagine that! It even shows who they are trading with, and what they are trading. If people had watched even a bit of it as they said they did before leaving reviews simply to give it a low rating, they would know this.

Beyond all this, the book and series are rooted in HISTORICAL FACT and in point of fact, things that happen in our world today. 'BUT NO! That can't be!' some say. Yes, hate to burst your bubble, but it is all true.

Even with all this obvious discrediting and outright attempts at audience manipulation by certain reviewers, I am happy to see that The Handmaid's Tale holds a high rating, as well it should.

It is an astounding work of television, with a distinct visual bite. Gilead's world is harsh yet the most intelligent and bravest of us cannot look away, nor do we lie to ourselves or others in the hopes that they will look away.

Simply, in my estimation, it is one of the best shows ever made.

Watch for yourself and see if you agree.

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