
IMDb member since January 2016
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Lawmen: Bass Reeves: Part II
Episode 2, Season 1

Language issue
I fully appreciate them speaking Crow but for heavens sake put subtitles on it.

I have watched sections of this show, which should be brilliant but then have to sit and watch whole sections where we have zero idea of what is going on.

In episode 1 there were subtitles but not in episode 2.


The rest of it is great and looks to be developing well.

It's a slower pace than I'm used to but actually that's quite refreshing.

If you've watched 1883 then this is a similar vein.

It would have a 9 rating if we could understand it all. Come on Paramount get it right, it would be better if we understood the whole story.

Top Gun: Maverick

Gripping, heart warming, wrapping up loose ends, nostalgic, new characters, old characters.

Made with love and honour to the original.

Sad parts but intertwined with moments to laugh and smile and other moments of sitting on the edge of my seat.

The story didn't feel rushed, to have made it to a shorter time would not have done it justice, so a very worthwhile 2 hours.

Read the trivia about the film and watch it again, it really makes you appreciate what you are seeing.

Someone described it to me as think of Star Wars and the Death Star and when you reach the scene you'll get it. They weren't wrong, but it didn't spoil it in anyway.

I will be watching this again, just loved it.

The Foreigner

It is NOT your usual Jackie Chan or Pierce Brosnan Film
I am easily distracted during a film but not this one, utterly engrossing. A good build up, sound plot line, enough turns to keep you thinking but not so many you get lost. Jackie Chan gave a believable performance of a father stricken by grief and Pierce Brosnan a commanding portrail of a conflicted member Irish parliament and of Sein Féin. Both gave a performance that should be listed as one of their best...ever. It's not full of 'cinema' martial arts but effective and authentic skills, even the use of a curtain/towel as a tenugi. The attention to minor items such as call signs and radio procedures was spot on. The military aspects were legitimate and a credit to the advisors on the film. Please watch it, it is well worth it.

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