
IMDb member since February 2016
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    8 years


Between Maybes

Love the plot
The plot has so much potential it's just not phase well enough for that ending, the first half of the movie was very dragging. Gerald was not the right fit for this movie, or at least his acting style.

Busanhaeng 2: Bando

Lacks character development
This is the first movie I saw after the theatres start to reopen, I have no expectations before watching this I just saw that this was a sequel to train to busan (which I loved) and book it right away.

The story overall is very dragging and the bad cgi didn't help. Character development is trash. I really want to connect to the main character, great actor and all his fight scenes were amazing but he lacks character development (note all the character introduce lack character development) I really want to root for him or the other characters but there's really nothing there.

Lola Igna

Not a review, just a reflection
Her life was celebrated by others but all she ever wanted was to die and join her late husband. Long life is not always a blessing sometimes it's also a curse, to witness everyone you love dies before you.

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