Reviews (6)

  • I absolutely adored the Luther TV show, it was interesting, thought provoking and you could really see the difficulties of Luther. This film failed to replicate that. The main problem was that the plot was rushed, making everything feel incredibly thin. As with most TV movies they decided to up the stakes of the plot, which is fine, but considering most plots were in 2 parts, and each episode was about an hour, they were trying to cram a lot more into the same time frame. This led to most plot points feeling incredibly rushed and underexplained, with great leaps in development often being made with little to no reasoning or explanation. The villain in particular was a disappointment, with no motivation for his actions being given, no set up to make him stand out as a real threat, nor an explanation of how he was supposed to have achieved half the things he did. Maybe as a 4-6 part miniseries this could have worked, but in the limited time period everything just felt shallow.
  • For the most part the film isn't that funny, with Rogan's character being the only one to really have funny moments. The plot is quite boring as are most side characters, I don't think it's worth sitting through a largely boring film for the sake of maybe 5-10 funny moments of Rogan.
  • The film lacks a decent narrative and the majority of the cast is forgettable at best. It seems to be a film more focused on setting up CGI action pieces (admittedly pretty decent action pieces) rather than telling a story or giving the characters real depth. Ryan Reynolds is alright in it but as he does the exact same voice and a similar persona to Deadpool it makes for an underwhelming performance because it invites comparison to a far better performance of his, obviously this is in part because of the lack of PG restraints on Deadpool compared to Pikachu
  • Shortly before the premiere I watched the last 2 episodes of last series as I had stopped watching due to the decline in quality. They were pretty bad, thankfully this episode was far better, with an intriguing story, improved atmosphere, a really well designed new allien and a few nice cameos. Still not quite sold on the group dynamic but hopefully that'll get better.
  • The documentary includes many factual errors, jumps to conclusions about things like motive and thought processes that the evidence simply doesn't support and massively overstates the role of Stalin in the revolution, as well as his friendship with Lenin. It also completely ignores that Stalin had previously been dismissed by Lenin from the party due to his criminal tactics.
  • filled with historical inaccuracies and falsehoods this film is not a documentary it is fiction with a few facts thrown in. It is a clear work of propaganda funded by the EU. It makes out that the Russians hated the Jews and ignores the fundamental differences between the Nazi's and soviets, for starters how the soviet backed communists where regularly attacked and killed in Germany by the Nazi's.