
IMDb member since May 2016
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    7 years


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I am confused !!!!!!
I am trying to figure out, not only WHY would Mel Gibson even BE IN THIS, but also how the hell could they even pay him?! This isn't a Low-Budget film; it's a NO BUDGET "film"!

I'm pretty sure that the cellphone they used to make this "film" was one of those early 2000s ones. This movie is pretty horrible!!! This is definitely a D-Movie, and NO I did not mean to say B !!!

I would NEVER recommend this movie! You will be bored, confused, and HIGHLY disappointed! I can't believe there is even one person that watched the entire movie and actually liked it!!! It was so CRAPPY and EMBARRASSING!!!!


OMG I'm so upset!!! Its turning into a drama or soap opera.
I watch VERY very very few tv series, and this is the only one I am currently watching. I only recently found out about Awkward Black Girl and found the episodes online and watched them all. Everytime I find a tv series that I like, it's usually a comedy series that ends up turning into a drama or soap opera.

The last 3 episodes have been a lot less comical and a lot more stressful, to me. That's literally, why I stopped watching Black-ish, awhile ago (my last tv series). I knew this was going to happen. :-(

Ps... way too much with the sex scenes !!!

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