
IMDb member since September 2016
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Killers of the Flower Moon

- 10 Stars. 3.5 hours of my life I will never get back!
I purchased this movie on Amazon Prime and watched it with my wife who said that she found it disturbing. William King Hale (Robert De Niro) was killing and poisoning the local Indians to enrich himself a true sociopath who thought that those he was hurting were his friends even after he went to prison and was released he appeared to be under the (disillusioned) notion that what he did was for the enrichment of the community. Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio) was poisoning his own wife even when he claimed to be honest in court he was unable to be truly honest with himself. This film reminds me of (The shape of water) another terrible film that Hollywood said was Epic but which I found stale/boring. Killers of the Flower Moon was no different, a talented director and a multifaceted cast. The music, I just wanted it to stop. Nobody should waste their money on this hot mess. Sadly, we didn't rent it, we bought it - but I will never watch it again! I suggest watching Braveheart or Gladiator, or Dances with wolves or The last of the Mohicans movies that have heart. Killers of the Flower Moon should be taken out behind the barn and shot or tossed in the woodchipper. I don't recommend this to anyone.

Avatar: The Way of Water

3 hours of garbage where even the trash gets rescued in the end!!
I wish I didn't own this movie, because I will never re-watch it. It could have been an hour long. Instead it was 3 hours of revenge.

The bad guy from the first movie shows back up and is the bad guy for this entire film too. (Wish that would have been in the preview.)

But now he has been bioengineered to be Na'vi and he watches a video from his predecessor and is evil for this entire film just like the guy that was murdered the first go around.

Worse they spent 2 hours chasing around (kids) and trying to kill them, while trying to get the dad to sacrifice himself for his family. Eventually they do kill 1 of the kids.

And the antagonist gets rescued from drowning even after all of the bad he perpetrated.

I see someone literally pushing (save the whales) with the (Tulkun) think giant water monster whose mouth opens up like the vampires in the last Blade movie!

If I would have paid to watch this garbage in the theater, I would have walked out halfway through, it was that bad.

Not sure who thought it was a good idea to hold kids hostage, hold a knife to a kids throat and try to murder them for 2/3 of the movie.

Imagine for me if these Na'vi would have been BLM - you would have had rioting in the streets. Its not okay, just because they're blue!

Blue lives matter.


May contain spoilers "No, no, no and just No!"
I grew up watching the old show, and still watched some of the re- runs on netflix and I really wanted to like this show.

I liked how they paid homage to the old show with the explosion at the very beginning of the program, but after that it was a downhill slide.

I thought at the start that the girl set Mac up, so when I saw her later and he was surprised "I wasn't"

I read a lot and I watch a lot of t.v. I love to be surprised not to be right about everything before it transpires.

Mac somehow screwed with the hydraulics so that the landing gear malfunctioned and the plane had to be landed and he was hanging on like it was a walk in the park.

The scene where he is in the truck and made a parachute right before the thing exploded, yeah right.

The team member "hacker" that they got released so that she could help out with there current mission was laughable, considering there entire operation was compromised and now without proper vetting other than Mac saying they need her she is on the team and included in making the new name for the team as well.

The program just had to many holes in it.

There was an online poll I saw for this program.

1. Will you watch it again?

2. Will you watch it again, if nothing else is on?

3. Will not watch it again.

I said that I will not be watching it again, it was lame.


Scintillating - May contain spoilers
This show is wicked good, it makes me laugh and just allows me to relax and have fun.

I love the premise that the Devil went on vacation and that he feels tormented by what he has had to endure.

I also like that he likes to help people, and that he stays around the cop even though she makes him vulnerable "mortal" at times.

It's an interesting premise & I hope that it gets renewed passed season two so that I can continue to enjoy it.

I like that they have now thrown his Mother into the mix and that they're both upset with "Dear old Dad" or God.

It humanizes the characters and makes them relate-able.

People need not take this so seriously, its just a feel good show and I really like the thought process of the characters especially how straightforward Lucifer is about being the Devil.

People often just think he is kidding, until often to late they realize that he was telling the truth.

Life is anecdotal like that, if you believe something. Perhaps you should live it...

Lethal Weapon

Swag - Heart & Temerity. ~Spoilers Included~
I watch a lot of t.v. and I read a lot. I was unable to sleep so I figured I would watch Lethal Weapon, I was never really a fan of the movies but this show impressed me. The chemistry that exists between the main characters is astounding.

Being a Disabled Veteran myself and having suicidal ideation I could empathize with how Riggs felt - the way his character expressed himself actually made me tear up twice.

Damon Wayans made me laugh - when his birthday gift was going to get pushed to when he is 60.

The way Riggs ate at the table reminded me of chow in the service. Not sure when you were gonna get another meal, so you eat what you can, when you can.

The way the different characters interacted was amazing, so much so that I look forward to the next installment.

People need to remember that just because someone has psychological issues or are damaged in some way, that we need them around. Those people remind us why we get up in the morning, and do what we do.


Boring a total snooze fest. ~Spoilers
I like Michael Weatherly and I really wanted to like this show, but I found his character bombastic to the point that I just got annoyed. Here we're presented with someone who holds numerous degrees who is supposed to be the smartest person in the room, yet when the guy got shot on the steps of the courthouse he seems to be surprised by it.

Furthermore the system and data analytics that they employ tend to do most of the work.They just need a tech to read them, instead we get Dr. Bull.

I think this show thought it was going to be like the Mentalist - which I enjoyed watching.

But Michael Weatherly is no Simon Baker.

In this first episode the guy had to keep telling you that he was a Doctor - making me think that "Tony Dinozzo" was in need; of a much needed slap or two from Gibbs.

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