
IMDb member since September 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


Ninja Death

Great low brow kung fu movie, with ninjas!
In response to the previous post, the reason this movie ends so inconclusively is that it's actually a part of a trilogy, the other two seeming not to be listed on IMDb as far as I can tell. However, suffice it to say, they're great martial arts movies, cheesy, poorly dubbed, and kind of insane. Good mindless fun, entertaining to watch, and many things to laugh about.

The choreography and production values are decent for this type of movie, and it's fast paced enough to have kept me entertained during the slower bits, the costuming and terrible special effects are highly entertaining (particularly the full body gold outfit with red cape) and there's some very very low brow jokes in here, particularly dealing with sex. (the main character starts out as a bouncer in a whorehouse). The dubbing is amusingly bad, and as mentioned does switch accents halfway through the movie.

I got this movie (and the other two parts of the trilogy) as a part of a wonderfully cheap set off amazon of 50 Martial Arts movies on 12 double sided DVDs, which can be picked up for around 20 dollars. A great bargain.

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