
IMDb member since May 2017
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    IMDb Member
    6 years


Twin Peaks: The Return

Complete skewing of the ratings
DON'T believe them. ALL the negative reviews just happened to end up at the back of the title now even while it has gone down from a 9.9 to a 9?

This series, beyond any other series ever put on television, is utter and complete garbage and even that is giving it too much credit, as maybe a hobo can find some sort of useful thing in a pile of trash. This series is beyond salvageable, but like always, you will have people rating on PAST works. That's so ludicrous. Imagine if the first time you saw your girlfriend she looked great, but every time afterward she looks awful, but you keep dating her because you know that good-looking chick is in there somewhere even though you may never see her again. I could use a hundred analogies, but why even bother. This show is tripe, with maybe five minutes of 'okay' for every three hours of "awful". What is irksome is that a really good series was probably shelved in order to accommodate this brainsore. IMDb used to be someplace you could more or less trust for ratings and reviews. That's out the window.

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