When one thinks back on 1990s action flicks and the career of Harrison Ford, Air Force One--and its iconic "Get off my plane!" line--immediately comes to mind. Alas, one great line delivery cannot make a movie--the rest of Air Force One is bafflingly dull considering the cast and concept.
For a very basic overview, Air Force One tells the story of President James Marshall (Ford), who has recently announced a zero-tolerance policy against terrorism around the world. On his way back from Russia, however, Marshall's stance is immediately put to the test when Air Force One is hijacked by a group of Russian Nationalists led by Ivan Korshunov (Gary Oldman).
There is so much promise to Air Force One--mainly in the cast alone. Ford-as-President is pitch-perfect casting, and this film contains the likes of Glenn Close, William H. Macy, Xander Berkely, and Dean Stockwell (to name just a few).
The idea of an Air Force One hijack is also interesting/novel and the notion that it would be perpetuated by a group of terrorists wanting to unite "Mother Russia" actually holds up pretty well some 28 years after release.
Unfortunately, none of the above works whatsoever. The plot mechanics are exactly that--mechanical--and the cast never really are utilized to their full potentials. Even Ford--aside from a few iconic deliveries and growls--doesn't quite nail his usual persona. Granted, his presence alone largely saves this film from being utter dreck, but still--it's just "off" (sometimes boring) all-around.
So, despite a solid reputation perpetuated by Ford's continued stardom in Hollywood, Air Force One is really nothing more than an overblown, dumb 1990s action flick. The fact that "dumb 90s action flick" should be right in my nostalgic wheelhouse and it can still only draw 4/10 stars speaks volumes to how bland the movie is.
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