
IMDb member since September 2017
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Funny and heartwarming look at family life
Having worked with children on the autistic spectrum, I have met many parents who deal with life as this family do. In many different aspects.

I really enjoyed this series. The characters were all likable and I could relate to them and their day to day struggles and achievements no matter how big or small were portrayed in a down to earth, unpretentious way.

I felt their pain and emotions keenly throughout and felt invested in the storyline. The actors were great! I was a little dubious about Jason-Leigh but overall I found the cast engaging and believable. I especially like Paige. She is funny and caring and I have met genuine people like her and I am glad she is part of Sam's life!

I can't wait for series 3!

The Dinner

Confusing at best
Wow this film seemed like two different people had come together to squash all of their ideas about two films into one. It was promising and I felt at first like it might be a good look into the ethics of protecting those you love when they do something unforgivable, however, I found myself getting really distracted and confused with some points.

I found the actual dinner scenes quite interesting and entertaining, but the misplaced flashbacks and jumpy in and out of the characters just too random most of the time. I do understand where the writers were trying to go, I just think they tried to get too much clever stuff to fit within the timeframe of the film.

Like the son's visit to the restaurant and the brothers visiting the memorial site were just really unnecessary. The flashbacks to the crime were enough of the kids really. Also, although I thought the leads acted well, some of the script nearer the end felt forced.

It was confusing to me for the most part, which was a shame, because I wanted to like it.

Enough Said

What a horrible character
I wanted to see this as I do love Gandolfini, but unfortunately he was the best thing in it. I think we were supposed to side with him, but his new girlfriend was a terrible person and myself and my partner were pretty angry about it by the end.

It starts off quite a funny film, with an awkward situation to portray, however after the problem comes to a head, everything gets a little nasty. I could't tell if it was bad character writing or deliberate.

I suppose it might echo real life reactions to new relationships and the sadness of divorce between estranged couples, but I didn't like it. I am giving it four stars for the first half and Gandolfini's acting.

Winter Ridge

slow, boring, no life
Oh my. I never really like to be negative, but this was bad. I did almost watch until the end, but it was a slow build up to a predictable conclusion and so i just switched it off.

The acting was almost embarrassing, had it not been for a couple of bit parts who I felt sorry for as I had no idea why they had let themselves be part of the production. I was constantly waiting for the film to pick up and the slow, drama-class wooden acting, with too long pauses in the script did not help. Maybe it was the direction.

It reminded me of a tense crime drama on the television, but without any sense of tension or drama and the crime was pretty weak in its portrayal.

I just feel bad for those involved.

The Land of Steady Habits

With the feel of a series
I enjoyed this movie. It wasn't anything fancy, it just showed a short look into a middle aged man's life. I found it had the feel of a series and I think it could have been a few episodes maybe. I liked the leads, although the son was a little flat.

I think it explored guilt and the lost loneliness that can befall people when they've been in a marriage, but find themselves lost.


In it's own right, an ok film
Not comparing it to the original at all, I found this film, overall fairly ok.

I am not a huge fan of Ellen Page, but she carried the lead pretty well. Her companions were run of the mill. No real energy came about and it was kind of 'flat' although I did enjoy it enough to watch through and the concept and some instances got me a bit scared.

I guess it really just rushed through the whole idea and just as I was starting to feel like it was going in an original direction, it was suddenly over. Left me a little disappointed.

The Survivalist

Realistic account of life in future situation
I love post apocalyptic and survival films, and this delivered a very realistic viewpoint of life after modern times as we know it.

Lead actor was perfect and the shooting, props and set were just on spot.

It is a simple story, told with honesty and I found myself engaged throughout, imagining myself in this position and the kind of decisions we as humans would have to make in this position.

Mary Magdalene

Uneventful and no real drama
I am not an expert on the Bible or the story of Mary Magdalene, but I enjoy watching Biblical drama and am interested in historical stories of this type. I watched to see if it was any good.

The film wasn't terrible and i didn't feel it really dragged in fact I was surprised I watched it all the way to the end and that 2 hours had passed.

The acting was fairly standard. The characters were a little boring and I just found myself wondering about silly things, like, how did Mary keep her white clothes so clean.

The depiction of Jesus was so insipid and Mary was very one dimensional, the other characters were rushed and blah.

Just Meh really and not really Epic-like which I expected i suppose.

Sharp Objects

Slow burning tension and realism
These days it is easy to binge watch a series and in some respects, that means you tend to have the emotional rollercoaster all in a few sittings. This often means staying up into the early hours and not receiving the excitement that TV previously afforded. Sharp Objects was a rare treat for me as I had to wait for each weekly episode. What a thrill!

I had no idea what to expect and the gradual reveal of Camille's condition and the sallow, alcohol-infested community of Windgap's residents made this the perfect story to watch weekly. The acting was superb, the soundtrack apt, the characters deep and dark, hidden behind their dull masks.

It was depressing and upsetting in some parts, and as I don't have experience of such ingrained town mentality, I was saddened by the way the truth was hidden, but it was so well done. Flashbacks and snapshots were shown deftly and in perfect harmony with the main storyline to drip feed a shocking finale.

I have ordered the book and can't wait to read it! Highly recommend if you enjoy dark, character driven crime drama.

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