
IMDb member since October 2017
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    IMDb Member
    6 years


Family of Spies

Really Good Movie on an even Greater Story
I was a Naval Officer at the very tail end of John Walker's career (about the time when the ring was busted). Access to the information that he provided the USSR was likely as damaging or more than any other information compromised in US history, either from within or without the military.

He ultimately leakef information that potentially could have provided the Soviets with the capability to successfully launch a nuclear first strike against the USA, it don't get any worse than that.

Tommy Boy

Non Stop Revelry - Loved Every Minute
If you didn't like this you simply don't have a sense of humor. No pretense here, just a load of laughs. Don't take yourself too seriously, just find a couple hours of time and have a total blast with this one.

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