Delicate, adorable, fun, light, natural, optimistic... A light romantic comedy, nothing exaggerated, the jokes, the lines, the characters, the scripts as a whole, sound natural, without exaggerations and exuberance, normal people, people like us, I love these casual movies, as if we weren't there, as if we were part of the decoration, our friends, a well-rounded script, I loved the misunderstandings, the gossip, the issues discussed, the performances, everything fits together... Delicate, adorable, fun, light, natural, optimistic...
The masseuse Eva is a divorced woman and single mother who fears her daughter leaving for college. She soon begins a romance with Albert, a funny man who is going through a very similar moment to her. But this relationship will be threatened with the arrival of his new client, Marianne, who is also Albert's ex-wife.