
IMDb member since January 2018
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Beyond Paradise

It is different then any mystery show out there. It just has a real old school appeal. Definitely a lot like the Death in Paradise show, which is also spectacular, but showcasing the British countryside, which doesnt get done enough these days. Really fun. Its almost like the two shows can be taken together!

I hope this show has a long, long future, and inspires many like it. Its amazing how the beautiful simplicity and pleasantness doesn't get done enough! Kind of reminds me of Midsummer Murders before they got a new, unpleasant main character, and a weird too modern cast. This is sure to please any mystery lover.

Perry Mason

They just had to add in a liberal message.
I gave it a small chance, and Im really not continuing. Mostly, because Im just extremely bored of being told what to think. This isnt about the 1930's. This is about today, and today we live in a country with an insane rising crime rate, and bail reforms and liberal DA who want to take guns away from law abiding citizens, but who dont thin k criminals who commit crimes using guns need to spend much time in jail, if any. So, Im not watching an anti police, poor accused criminals show. Which is what this is shaping up to be. Too bad, I would have watched it otherwise.

And the reason people are hating all of these remakes isnt because everyone is so into seeing no change. Its because of exactly this. Using remakes to try and lure people in so they can sell their propaganda.

Stranger Things

Just keeps on getting better every season.
Its amazing how they can add new characters, and you jay love them after 2 episodes. Like Eddie for example. About the only thing I would change if I could is I would like to meet more of the program subjects besides just 11 and Kali( 8). I would especially like to meet Ricky( 3) and Marcy( 9) and Jodie( control). It would be specially great to meet Ricky, because then the show wouldn't be way too Buffy like. It would really be good to balance the overpowered young ladies of the show with some stronger young male characters. A male subject with superpowers would really be a good addition that would improve that balance. But whatever they decide, the show rocks.

Shut In

Really well done feel good thriller
I enjoyed it, and Im pretty picky. The lead is something special. I remember her in the past and wondered what happened to her, and its really nice to see her again. Good pacing, Good suspense. Interesting, but uncomplicated premise.


Ummm. No.
Weird disjointed story. And I didn't like the plot twist. It was like some attempt to say that Buzz wasn't a hero. Warning; This will hit kids who love Buzz pretty hard sometimes. This film is telling us Buzz was really failure. The only way he could be heroic is if he listened to instructions from other people, because his own instinct is not good. What TERRIBLE message to give kids, especially as we parents teach them not to give in to peer pressure, and to use their own good judgement rather than just going along with what other kids, or teachers, or Tick Tock celebrities tell them to do! The world will knock them down soon enough. No reason to pre beat them down with a film, and let them know that they shouldn't trust themselves.

I know a lot of people found Sox the cat endearing, but I found it off putting. It was just too soul less. Like the rest of the movie. And its humor was way too adult. The other problem with the film is that the characters were too many, and too boring. Instead of cool aliens, or what have you, you have Star Command made up from the people you avoid on Twitter. There is definitely something wrong with that. Small warning but a few kids didn't like the plot twist. It made several of the kids watching actually cry, mostly because of the depressing, unsatisfying tone. Its really not intended for kids, So dont bring them. If you are an adult that likes cartoons, like Saul....maybe you can like it. It wasn't for me.


I started out hating it, now Im not as sure. I dont love it, but I dont hate it
Its still an awkward mix of creepy and funny.....which makes it sound better then it is, but it has good moments. I dont dislike it. If you like things like X Files or Warehouse 13, maybe give its. Try. Its well done. Writing is OK. Not top notch, but entertaining.

The Batman

Oof. This was childish and silly. Very uninspired attempt at acting crazy from the Riddler
I actually started laughing at several points when Nigma elongated words, screamed, and giggled for no reason. I kept thinking that a guy who was really stupid, and trying to get off on an insanity charge might put on an act like that. It was just eye lollingly sappy.

The film tries really hard to be DARK. With a capital D. It fails with a. Capital F. At no time do you feel worried for the characters. At no time do you wonder whats going to happen next. This is a completely by the numbers Batman movie made with no imagination. Honestly, the whole Falcone/Macaroni thing has already been done, and done far, far better by the Tv Show Gotham. They should have found something else to hang their hat on.

Dull, dull, dull. BTW, you could have just as easily called this show "Catwoman" which I dont think added anything to the movie. She just acted abrasive, so we all know she is a tough chick. OK. Well, she is. I forget what her involvement is already. Some friend vanished, right. I have to admit I fell asleep at a few places, so maybe if I could have stayed awake, I would have liked it better, but it was super dull.

Moon Knight

Its like an adult superhero show!
Its still the superhero aspect to it, with amazing fight choreography. Its got cool Egyptian myth. Its got very cool, very flawed gods, very correct to the myths. I cant imagine anything better.

But be warned a bit; If you really like very typical, and simple Superhero fare, with a simple story that an 8 year old can easily understand, hey! I don't judge! Some people like to not worry much about the plot and just enjoy the fights and sassy one liners! Or if you want to watch this with kids younger than 15, this might not work perfectly.


Wonderful characters, interesting relationships, ana cool vibe. Sadly the plot doesn't get much attention from the writers.
I loved it at first, and for a while I could ignore the huge gqaping plot holes. However, after the business with the Charles Magnussen, who had his information stored in his mind, but could still blackmail people with it. How stupid is that? A newspaper journalist would sure ly understand that knowing something, and being able to prove it are two very different theings. It is especially dumb when you have a woman as smart, and as worldloy as Lady Smallwood put up with being controlled by Magnussen because he "has" letters that would incriminate her husband, without even once saying "Hey, Charlie, let me see these letters you say my husband wrote to a 15 year old. Because if you can't produce them to show the world they exist, then its just your word against his, and no one even likes you. Anytone can CLAIM anything. Doesn't make it true." In other words, as soon as Sherlock realizes that Magnusses only had knowledge, not evidence, he would have laughed in his face and left. Not shot him. That was just too in sulting to the audience. If the writers think so little of me, that they don't realize I would catch the problem in their story, then they don't deserve me as an audience memeber!"

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