Reviews (1)

  • Being retired I have all the time in the world to do what pleases me. And seeing movies pleases me a lot, so much that I see almost everything, good, regular, bad and really baaaad. Seeing a movie for me is being at the cinema showing it, paying for my ticket, and I hardly ever watch a movie in TV, direct or recorded. This means that in order to keep up with my statement of seeing almost everything I go to see movies a minimum of five and a maximum of seven days per week, and some days I attend several movies (this is not an exaggeration), meaning that I do get to see 250 to 300+ movies every year.

    Today, 10/20/07 I was trying to decide what to see and Gone Baby Gone was not in my menu, as even though I go so often to the movies I had not seen any trailer for this movie nor heard anything about it. Perusing the newspaper the synopsis attracted me and I decided to see it. As Gone Baby Gone progressed I found myself being really pull into the story, living it together with the characters, through the splendid direction, editing and camera work. As the movie ended I thought to myself: "This is why you go see so many bad and regular movies, so you will not miss the occasional good one and the rare excellent movie".

    "Gone Baby Gone" is easily the best movie I have seen this year. And that includes most of the art, foreign or indie movies that I also attend religiously. Unless something out of this world comes out in the next six weeks, this is my candidate for the Oscar to the best picture and Ben Affleck should also be nominated for best Director.