Reviews (1)

  • Great cinematography and storyline. Hopefully this film will be a deterrent for a handful, if not more, young adults seeking the "glory lights" of living independently in the streets where drugs and crime are abundant and these individuals are especially high risk candidates.

    Far too often young adults, some rebellious, some looking to grow up too fast, some thinking that the grass is greener when you are on your own, fall victim to drug pushers, pimps, street Johns, and sick individuals who prey on children. These kids are often times naive to the world because they have been sheltered or they believe they have an understanding or streetwise because they have lived disadvantaged lives. What they don't fully comprehend is that experience does really come with age and, although they may have seen or experienced the seedy side of life, their youth is a big reason they haven't learned how to avoid the skillful traps set by the more experienced adults who know many seductive tricks to entrap them.