
IMDb member since September 2018
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    5 years



It was that bad I couldn't stop watching
From the beginning I knew this show wasn't going to be great. The wife watched the first episode and stopped after that. No sure if she got through the entire episode. I continued through the season and it seemed to get worse. The acting was only mildly better than that of the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The season finale was terrible, with so much use of green screen it was a bigger joke than Tenacious D's film clip of Rise of the fenix, and they live on funny. (watch the clip if you don't know what I'm talking about.) I've given it a 3/10 because there are a few areas where the acting isn't too bad, but overall I'm glad I can now move on.

American Poltergeist

Not sure if another 1 star review really makes a difference
This has to be, without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever fully watched, and one of the worst I've ever even started to watch. The acting in this horrendous piece of film is again, without a doubt, the worst acting known to man. I'm not sure if these fools were related to the director, producer or someone who had some sort of authority in the making of this movie, but they could have saved themselves a hell of a lot of time by either 1) conducting auditions for every role, or 2) cancelled the whole thing all together after the first 20 minutes of recording and seeing what these guys were capable of, which wasn't much. Not sure if I've ever given a 1 star before, but I will remember next time I see a donkey's dong and think "Oh my god that's wrong, almost as wrong as American Poltergeist. Armenian Poltergeist wasn't this bad.


So many zombies, so many beavers.
I thought this was a great movie. It had everything you want in a movie. Zombies, beavers, shooting, stabbing, biting, a puppy. Even my wife had a laugh at this movie, and her sense of humour is dryer than a nuns hooha. Anyway, if you like stupid comedies, this is definitely for you. And if you're like my wife who thinks the joke, "why did the butcher die? Because he cut the wrong sausage." is funny, you might also like like this movie.

Cold Zone

I just wanted to have a nap
Well I watched the whole thing which is quite surprising because it was a lazy Sunday afternoon and I'd had all of an hour sleep the night before. I thought I'd fall asleep pretty quick which is what usually happens when I watch a movie with the intention of actually watching it while I'm tired but nope, I think this moving was so ordinary it kept me awake. The acting was poor at best, and the cold zone sure did spread south rather quickly. But at least the young bloke got a quick kiss from the girl he saved before they took off and saved them selves. I can't see a sequel coming for this one unless people want to see a refuelling episode.

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