
IMDb member since March 2006
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    18 years


Gran Torino

More like this please, Hollywood
I'm 52 going on 70 and everyday I identify more with Walt. I don't want much more than to be left alone. If I could, i'd wage war against the injustices of the world, but I'm just one little man. I have little sympathy for idiots, but I understand that each person's situation is different and I try to remember that.

This movie inspires me to remember that, while I can't change the entire screwed up world, I can at times make a small difference in the life of another person, and that difference can multiply itself into real change in the world. Kindness is contagious.

I try to learn something and take something away from everything I watch, and there is a lot to take away from this movie. Thanks Clint Eastwood, this more than makes up for all the stupid movies you made.


Then final episode ruined it!
This show was decent, probably a 7 until the final episode went totally stupid.

I guess the first officer was in the back of the plane watching the in-flight movie as the hero Idris Elba, who is not a pilot, helped a random person land the plane. We know she was there because she was prominently seen at the beginning of the episode. Then, she conveniently disappeared. Why did they feel the need to ruin it with something so simple? I understand that the hero had to be made to look heroic, but surely even a half-competent writer could've figured out a better way.

This confirms yet again that Hollywood assumes viewers to be absolute, brain-dead idiots.

The Little Drummer Girl

Great Cast! Great Show!
I appreciate that Le Carre novels are quite complex and probably difficult to condense into something watchable. That's why I'm happy to see them being made into mini series instead of films. Of course, 6 hours still isn't enough to truly tell the story. I think most of the negative comments about a weak plot can be attributed to this.

Also, I think people might be confusing the fact that things move quite slowly with the show lacking depth. If you read a Le Carre book you'll find it to move slowly too, with extensive attention to detail. By moving slowly the director gives the show more of the feel of the book.

The main cast was brilliant. Michael Shannon is always excellent and terribly underrated. Same goes for Skarsgard. Ms. Pugh is newer on the scene but is an excellent actress and so very well cast in this role. I hope she continues to do dramatic roles and not just the garbage superhero movies.

Better Things

I Will Miss this Strange Little Show
Who knows how I came across this little gem? It's not exactly what I would call normal for me. But I am so glad I found it.

I wouldn't know how to describe to anyone else, and I think that's what makes it special. I love the family dynamics and I think the progression of the three daughters into adulthood was perfect.

I'm sure that eventually something will take its place, but I don't expect there will be any particular hurry. This is the type of show the world needs most right now. Real without being so real it defeats the purpose of drama.


BP Agents Speak Spanish
Off to a bad start Hollywood. So this guy worked for decades as a U.S. Border Patrol Agent and he can't order a beer in Spanish? I'm sure you want the average American Joe to be able to relate to this guy and that's why you made him so stupid that after at least 20 years working on the Border of Mexico, in California, as a Border Patrol Agent, he still can't even order a drink in Spanish. Try harder, do better.

The Last Full Measure

A Story that Needed to Be Told and Never Forgotten
I applaud the people who saw fit to make this movie and spend the money for A-list actors to do it well. This is Hollywood's greatest calling, to tell real stories that affect the lives of real people.

68 Whiskey

Don't Waste Your Time
They had it handed to them on a platter and they biffed it. Any unit in theater could've made a better show on their phones during their down time. For a while, Combat Hospital was doing it right, but didn't last. This reboot is a disgrace. Cancel. Accept your mistake and try to do better next time.


When people travel, everyone grows.
Juanita left her family behind to go on an adventure. This forced them to experience a world without her and grow. Juanita stepped into a world unknown to her and was forced to grow. The people she met along the way got to see their own world through a fresh set of eyes and were forced to question things they had taken for granted, so they grew. I was a traveller once. I believe this movie might have convinced me that it's time to travel again. Never stop learning, never stop growing.

Please Stand By

Great Job by Dakota Fanning
I thought this was an excellent story. My only complaint is that it actually left me wanting more once I began to understand the epic journey and how it related to her writing and making sense of the world around her.

Dakota Fanning took on the extremely difficult job of portraying a character who herself has a hard time communicating and she pulled it off very well. I think she played a very convincing character and certainly had my sympathy for the girl on the story.

The Female Brain

A Very Underrated Movie
I really enjoyed this movie and was pleasantly surprised at how it was designed. I love all things related to the brain and it was really fun to see a few of our most common bizarre behaviors put into their biological context.

The entire cast gave great performances, but I'd just like to give a shout out to Cecily Strong. Her character went through the normal battles of wrestling with her emotions and the battles of being a woman in a male-dominated job, and came out on top of both. A great performance from a woman who doesn't get enough credit either for her comedy or as her role as an example for women.

Killing Eve

Jodie Comer is Amazing!
I really enjoy the storyline and the overall atmosphere of the series, but one thing stands out above all. Actress Jodie Comer gives the best performance I've ever seen of a woman trapped mentally at a place where she was first hurt as a little girl. Whatever has happened to her has left her as a psychopath who is devoid of any human empathy. He most prominent emotion is the little girl's desire to be loved, to please the ones she loves and to make friends. Comer is able to portray a woman so damaged that she is able to kill a person up close with her own hands and feel nothing, and then a few minutes later put on the pouty face of a little girl who has truly been disappointed.

Sandrah Oh also does a wonderful job of portraying the main character Eve, but in my opinion Miss Comer is the show's star.


Excellent, realistic movie
When I first saw this movie, I was living in North Carolina and had never traveled to the US/Mexico border. I had experienced the same exposure to drugs as every high schooler raised in America has but had never used drugs. I saw friends and relative self-destruct, but was not really involved in the game. I thought it was a very good and interesting movie. A few years later I watched this movie as a federal agent working on the front lines of the drug war in southern CA. I now know what an extraordinary movie this is. The story line is realistic. The cinematography is amazing. Anyone who has traveled to a Mexican border town can instantly relate to the yellow tint used in the film. Political correctness aside, Mexico is DIRTY. The only "hero" in the movie was the Mexican cop trying to avoid corruption. I know it is a cliché that Mexican police are corrupt, but that is easy to say until you have walked a mile in their boots. Cartels run Mexico. Work with them or die is often your only options as a Mexican official. Mex cops are paid little and have everything to lose by enforcing the law. I don't condone it, but I understand why. Traffic is the only movie I have ever seen that portrays this group of people as they really are. Bottom line, traffic is as entertaining and realistic movie as you will see coming out of Hollywood. And it has an important message. Regardless of your take on drug laws, watching this movie makes you admit that something is terrible wrong with the current policy. If you haven't seen this film, see it. Then see it several more times. It is that detailed and complicated. I have probably seen it end to end 6 or more times and each time I see something I missed before.

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