
IMDb member since February 2019
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    IMDb Member
    5 years



Way to sink a classic
Still wondering what the hell I just watched. Really excited to see and it was just bad. Horribly cast, horrible script. There must have been a huge budget and I can't figure out where it went. Just the main character had to cover every political issue. Lesbian, straight, black, Hispanic, multiple marriages, poor, rich... come on really bad. Pick one angle and stop.


Completely captivating drama
A must see for all crime drama lovers. See how the birth of profiling started. And seeing into the minds of famous murderers is just spellbinding! I binge watched both seasons in a few days. I can't wait to see where they take this! Season 3 please come quickly!!!!


So disappointed! If you adore the original don't ruin it by watching this!!!
This was one of my favorites. And Will Smith was just plain boring. I know topping the late Robbin Williams is a tough one but Smith is such a character he could have made it his own. He is not relatable, nor do you have that beautiful chemistry as they become friends. Jafar is not colorful in the evil way he should have been. Even Jasmine is missing her spunky spark. Aladdin was also missing his transformation from street rat to hero. The ending was missing the drama and the way everyone ending up together was just so cheesy. It missed its charm. And completely left you wondering what the heck did we just watch?? Oh Disney why mess with a good thing? I truly wish I didn't see it. It ruined the wonderful story and music the cartoon had. Such a shame!

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