• Warning: Spoilers
    After finishing my 100th (give or take) time watching the entire trilogy I'd figured a review was long overdue. There are no words for what i feel about this trilogy. It's beyond anything i can explain. The closest word would be perfection, but that doesn't even do it justice.

    I was 11 when the first movie came out, and i fell in love with the franchise immediately. Everything i did revolved around the fantasy universe as this franchise was the first big thing i truly fell in love with. I have pictures of elves on my walls and dragon statues on my shelfs. I have Sting hanging on my wall and my key chain for my car keys is the One Ring. My wife has the evening star and she wore it at our wedding. Lord of the rings has made me to who i am today and i feel privileged to have such a masterpiece be created in my short span on this earth!

    I love Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers, but Return of the King is the final piece that brings everything together. I'm usually a pretty tough guy, and i rarely get emotional but the last hour is hard for me to sit through without shedding a tear. No matter how many times i watch the franchise i always get emotional. "My friends. You bow to no one!" gets me every time!

    The last thing I'd like to ad is that i feel like I'm a part of the journey. I feel sorta empty after watching it. I feel like all of the hobbits when they come back home and drinks their first pints at The Green Dragon. It's one of the movies where i sit through the end credits and just think. This is a good thing. You know a movie is extraordinary if it makes you empty after you've watched it!