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  • haildevilman10 February 2006
    This was one of the most disgusting films I've ever seen. But I couldn't stop watching it. I saw a Japanese copy.

    Believe it or not, here in Japan, you can find this in used video shops among the Disney flicks and Chuck Norris sequels.

    The grainy filming and bad sound made it seem like a real snuff film.

    Supposedly, Charlie Sheen saw this and reported it as real.

    The effects were shockingly realistic. But they did have a segment where they showed how they were done. This should ease minds.

    Some people (like me) enjoy finding things like this. A real sense-tester. Watch it at your own risk.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is the second part in the Guinea Pig series, and this is the bloodiest part, the sickest is, in my opinion, the first part, Devil's Experiment. Flowers of Flesh and blood is directed by Hideshi Hino, who has made at least Mermaid in a Manhole, the fourth Guinea Pig film. The "story" involves this psychopath who is dressed as samurai and kidnaps an innocent girl in the street. He takes her to his house, drugs her unconscious and slowly starts to disembowel and mutilate the girl in sadistic detail, occasionally saying something to the camera. This is the most controversial and infamous Guinea Pig and also one of the most feared sicko flick in the world. Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen saw accidentally a copy of this film, and was 100% positive of it being a genuine snuff film and so he took the tape to police/FBI and the investigations began. I'm not sure how large investigations were in Japan or America, but I've heard that the film makers had to prove to authorities how they made the effects and thus show that the act committed in the film is NOT real and the girl didn't die, and that is the case: this is NOT snuff film, and all the sick things that happen in the screen are faked and acted.

    The next paragraph tells the things what our psycho does to the girl and so they can be considered spoilers.

    The scenes are pretty repulsive and blood is everywhere, but this is not realistic as the girl would've bled to death immediately after the first arm was cut off. After the samurai has cut off all the limbs, he slowly disembowels her and after that mutilates her face and eyes and finally cuts off her head. Sounds nice, doesn't it? After the girl is dead (=the head removed) we are shown that there are many other limbs and corpses in his house and the girl was not the only victim. The house crawls with worms that are eating the bodies and all the images in the film are repulsive. The film ends when we see that man again in the streets of Japan hunting another young girl with things in his mind..So who directs a sequel? Hopefully no one.

    No "spoilers" anymore.

    Flowers of Flesh and Blood is among the sickest and goriest films I've seen but it cannot be considered too significant cinematic merit. The scenes in the samurai's apartment are "haunting" and "dark" but since the film is so shock intended and has no any value as a real film, I can't consider this too noteworthy piece of cinema, and it is only intended to shock, as the whole Guinea Pig series. Junkies of Japanese horror movies will probably want to check and try to find copies of these, but others should stay away. Even though it is so over the top, it is not as sick as all have said, so some may even be disappointed when they expect something totally unmatchable in sicko department. After all, I'm glad I've seen this and most of the Guinea Pig series, because having not seen them, I wouldn't be able to know what these are about, and horror fanzines have written so much about these that a natural interest as a horror buff raised. And I was pretty lucky to get copies of these films, that are not too much distributed, and that is pretty positive thing! After all I've said about horror fans and others, my opinion still is that these are not noteworthy films and cannot be considered "real" films and they only want to deliver shocks and disgust the viewer without any other merits. Flowers of Flesh and Blood cannot even be considered a feature film since its running time is mere 40+ minutes.
  • I'm going to say something that I've seen very few reviews anywhere say: Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood really, simply is NOT that gory. Do not misunderstand me. I'm not one of the countless reviewers who are complaining this movie didn't look realistic. Some of those people wouldn't think a real body being cut up looked realistic if they didn't know it was real. What I'm saying is, the actual events depicted on screen simply weren't all that gory or sick. Not by today's standards.

    It's a sad little world when you read the internet nerds who hide behind a cheesy screen name and trash modern torture movies because they're not gory enough for their supposed juggernaut balls. Most of them speak with elegance, spouting off the names of obscure Japanese movies that are "So sick!" and "Make Hostel look like a family movie!" Put simply: They're almost always wrong. What's sadder than that is that most people don't realize their wrong, even after they watch oh-so-sick obscure movie and shyly realize they've seen worse on the Saw promo posters, but would never admit it because it would mean going against the self-proclaimed film buffs.

    That is why I'm here to stand against the crowd and say what needs to be said. Flowers of Flesh and Blood is not the goriest movie of all time. For someone who's seen modern torture movies, it's not even that gory at all, and here is why . . .

    First and foremost, as has been stated by almost everyone, this movie has no plot. It's pure fake snuff from open to close. I have absolutely nothing against that at all. While it was too tame for me to fully enjoy, the lack of a plot made the film very intense and easy to sit through without getting bored. On the other hand, however, the lack of a plot made the film seem a lot more brutal than it actually was. If you were to take any of the five Saw films and cut out every minute except the pure gore, all of them would seem just as intense, if not more intense, than Flowers of Flesh and Blood. If you were to add forty more minutes of plot to Flowers of Flesh and Blood, it would seem just just as tame as all the Hollywood torture films that the self-proclaimed film buffs all call tame. Don't mistake intensity for gore.

    Second, Flowers of Flesh and Blood isn't something you can just walk to the local video store and get five copies of. It's nowhere even slightly as well-known as Saw and Hostel. The obscurity is something self-proclaimed film buffs have always fed off of, and if this were something you could easily pick up, the same self-proclaimed film buffs wouldn't even consider it gory. You see, it's not about content, it's all about lack of popularity that builds a false hype. Likewise, whenever someone says, for example, that Ichi the Killer is "The sickest movie I've ever seen!", the self-proclaimed film buffs all jump on his back and say they found it tame, even if they really didn't. Then they say something like, "But, man, go watch Flowers of Flesh and Blood—now there is a sick movie!" Again, the lesser known name build the hype.

    Third, the gore content is simply uncreative. Standard limbs are severed as in every other standard gore movie ever. The only difference here is that the cameraman goes into ultra close-ups every few seconds to give the illusion that this movie is actually doing something that hasn't been done thousands of times.There were at least ten spots in the movie where my own mind went into things that could have been done to make the scene four times as gory, but the director doesn't even have half that imagination or balls. He stuck to the generic, seen-it-a-thousand-times gore scenes. That alone makes this inferior to the Saw and Hostel series as far as gore goes, not to mention inferior to the countless other modern films like The Decent and Inside. Point blank: there is nothing here that is sadistic or even that gory. Sadism implies that gore has creativity, and that is a total joke here. Gore implies that something is brutal and bloody, and, as I've said, compared to modern movies, this is fairly average.

    Don't believe the hype that this is oh-so-gory.

    On a technical level, the acting from the main villain a joke, as I think it was meant to be. The acting from the woman was very believable. The ultra close-ups became cheesy. The gore effects are nothing compared to the French gore film Inside, but I never once thought they lacked enough realism to become laughable, as some reviewers stated. You have to remember, also, that most of the reviewers who say they laughed at this movie are most likely saying that to overlook that they have weak stomachs. It's common.

    On an entertainment level, I found this movie to be very much worth a watch, and very entertaining. I give it credit for the intensity. The only plot point in the film, that the killer only kills women, is a outright cliché, but it doesn't bear anything on the actual film.

    Overall, Flowers of Flesh and Blood is a fun little torture film that lacks anything truly disturbing or gory, but is worth the watch if you're a gore fan. I'm really just sick of people hyping this to be so much gorier than the Hollywood norm, because it simply is not. The first five minutes of Saw IV alone, the autopsy scene, had every single thing this movie had. When it comes to the world of gore, this is the single most overrated film of all time.

  • I have to admire the makers of this sleaze for their sheer balls.

    It's virtually plotless and shot on tape, but it rises above its cheesy brethren by being so awfully mean-spirited.

    Apparently directed by Hideshi Hino, a hero of mine for his "Hell Baby" and "Panorama Of Hell" comic books, this little ball of evil has no equivalent and is a good flick to surprise your friends with.

    A samurai warrior slowly separates a woman's extremities from her body over a half hour period. The special effects, though obviously fake, are pretty amazing and the score has a surreal essence to it.

    I like this more than the other Guinea Pig flicks, although Hino's MERMAID IN A MANHOLE is a different kettle of rotten fish altogether.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ---spoilers ahead, though you've undoubtedly read them already--- the film is very slow to start off, as with the first one (which is just as boring and pointless and also full of bad effects) stating an 8mm snuff film was sent to someone as a 'present'. The 'film' then goes on to reenact this 8mm film. This is where it all goes wrong: The first GP film was made (I presume, as it has no merit to it) to make people think they were watching a snuff film. It appears the second installment has been made for the same effect-but we are told it is a reconstruction-why? this makes the film pointless because it has no reason to exist, only to bore people out of their brains. A man spends 30 minutes cutting a woman into pieces. wow. And the point is? Gore in films like Evil Dead, Evil Ed, Bad Taste, Braindead etc., is FUN, it's great and I love it! With no story, gore on its own is just plain boring and pointless. And these great FX that other reviewers go on about? You mean like the bit where he cuts off her leg that is so obviously made of rubber, as it flops about in his hand, or the bit where he pulls her arm off and you can see the inside of the arm is made of sponge-These are good FX?!?!? Lame, very lame.
  • Gave it a three because it was actually really well made but jfc never watching that again. As someone whose sadly seen some real things due to staying in hospitals, they did pretty well. Once again from being in a er hospital I've seen a severed finger and leg, the part where her leg was cut in half looked pretty realistic, though def didn't feel nice to see something like that again. If you've got any trauma relating to torture or blood or if you're just a normal person I wouldn't advise watching it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Right, if you're familiar with the basic history of „Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood", you probably know the story: Charlie Sheen saw this film in a party, thought it was an authentic snuff-film, carried it off to the authorities, who spent much time (and presumably many tax-dollars) investigating it and coming to the conclusion that it was indeed "only a movie".

    The morale and conclusion of the tale: Sheen was "winning" as usually (meaning: he was probably flying as high as a kite) and that there's the distinct need for the FBI to introduce IQ-tests before hiring their staff. Otherwise they would have thrown a glance at "Guinea Pig", determined that it's fake after roughly three minutes and thrown the drug-addled actor back unto the street (alternatively booking him for possession and DUI). If the obvious jelly and plastic replicas, obviously fake blood, the various camera angles and the dialogs performed by a painfully obvious actor still wouldn't have been an indication: watching the "Making-Off" would have indefinitely helped to shorten the FBI's "investigation".

    The "plot" of the actual movie is not even half as amusing as the real-life tale: man dressed in a plastic samurai-helmet kidnaps young, beautiful woman, drugs her, cuts off her limbs, eventually decapitating her, plucking out an eye from the disembodied head, sucking on the eyeball with cross-eyed excitement before adding the body parts to his "collection"; the perpetrator then drives off, searching for a new "victim". End credits.

    Granted, the effects are not bad at all; precise craftsmanship as we came to expect from a Japanese production, but never so realistic that it could fool anybody with good healthy eyes and half-a working brain. As such, it's less of a "real" film but rather a prank, a hoax and a display of special-effects craftsmanship.

    So, whom could I recommend this film to? Well, for one, sadists and jaded gorehounds who are one step away from searching for snuff-films on the internet. Secondly, people interested in good special-effects without the aid of a Hollywood-budget and to pranksters who would show it at parties, trying to determine which of their invited friends are gullible idiots.

    The film itself has no other merits.

    Now, all that's left to do is to wait until Hollywood films the story of "Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood", possibly a satire in the vein of Tim Burtons "Ed Wood"; possibly starring Sascha Baron Cohen as Charlie Sheen, in case the real deal happens to be "incapacitated".
  • Guinea Pig II: The Flower of Flesh and Blood (Hideshi Hino, 1985)

    Hideshi Hino is, simply, one of Japan's finest exports. Writer, graphic artist, rabid media critic, all-around fun guy, but for as long as civilization exists he will be best remember as the guy who drove Charlie Sheen to the FBI.

    Sheen saw _Guinea Pig II: The Flower of Flesh and Blood_ in 1990 at a party he was attending, and he was convinced that it was a true snuff film, so he took the copy and gave it to the local branch of the FBI. Large-scale investigations in both American and Japan followed, culminating ultimately in (a) the finding that GP2, like all other supposed snuff films, isn't real, and (b) Hino exploding in popularity in the United States (it's not a coincidence that an American graphic arts publisher started releasing Hino books in America in 1992, all of which I recommend very highly as a fantastic glimpse into the collective subconscious of post-WW2 Japan). The darker underbelly of the investigation resulted in the banning of Guinea Pig in Japan. To date, no distributor has picked up and reprinted the films officially (though the ban has not stopped new ones from leaking out, and the series now stands at nine), and so when one finds copies of Guinea Pig films, they are often fourth- and fifth-generation dubs of questionable quality at best. I have my doubts as to whether even owning them in the United States is legal, but one assumes that if it weren't, the sellers on ebay would be arrested pretty quick... but I'm relying on supposition here. (If I disappear quickly, you know why.)

    Yesterday I received a third-generation copy of II and III (see below). GP2 is the most infamous of the series. It is also the shortest, clocking in at a scant forty-two minutes. It has no plot to speak of. A woman is abducted by a man dressed as a fourteenth-century Samurai warrior and systematically dismembered. And while, if you know the basics of film composition and realize that the cut shots could not have been done in the ways they are if this were actually being filmed in real-time, there are a few points where the best thing one can do is to sit and repeat to oneself "this is not real." The effects are, quite simply, spectacular (within the framework of what's going on), and I was pleasantly-- if anything about this can possibly be said to be pleasant-- surprised by the fact that other than the differing genders of the two players in this twisted, brutal sturm und drang (and much more drang than sturm, if you translate it literally), any sexuality involved is read into it by the viewer.

    Guinea Pig 2 is not something to be enjoyed; it is something to test the boundaries of one's endurance. How is it possible to rate such an experience? And do you really want something like this in your home? In my case the answer is an unqualified "yes," but then, I'm depraved. Going strictly on the quality of my copy and the shattering effectiveness of the film at what it sets out to do, I'm forced to give it *** 1/2.
  • This is by far the sickest movie I've ever seen. It's beyond extreme gore, it's insane. The author should be arrested and committed to a psychiatric ward.

    I've seen comments here about it being "realistic"… as a medical doctor I'm telling you it's not. It's just the type of murderous fantasy that some violent psychiatric patients have when they're not properly medicated. I can compile a long list of inconsistencies regarding human anatomy and physiology, but I'm afraid that would only attract more viewers.

    Just a serious advice: avoid this movie! It can affect your mental stability, give you nightmares and make you sick.
  • I began hearing about the infamous "Guinea Pig" series several years ago, but admittedly only got my hands on them recently. I really didn't want to spend $20 for a 2nd generation VHS copy, so... I waited and picked up the Unearthed box-set release. Luckily, I found it for pretty cheap, anyway... Quick synopsis: Freaky samurai dude abducts and dismembers a chick, the end. "Flower of Flesh and Blood" is definitely gory and the lack of any real storyline may be what makes this film so "shocking". It's pretty much the torture/murder of a girl with no apparent reason behind it. The problem is that even though the effects are pretty good for something shot in 1985 with a probably non-existent budget, it still looks fake. Anyone who would actually mistake this for real "snuff" is a retard (sorry, Charlie ;) The other problem that I have with this film as well as "The Devil's Experiment" (another "Guinea Pig" fake snuff film) is that the victims don't respond appropriately to what is happening to them. They whimper and whine a little bit, but I think someone who was having their extremities removed violently would react a little more spiritedly. Another thing that makes these films look fake is the quality of the transfer to DVD. Unearthed did such a good job with the transfer that you can clearly see how fake everything is. I think if this film had a little more grainy look to it, it may have actually enhanced the realism factor - Not that Unearthed should have made a crappy transfer, I just think that some films actually come off better looking kind of old and grainy, this film being one of them. Overall, definitely worth a look for "extreme" horror fans, if nothing else than to quench your curiosity about what all the fuss is about. Definitely not for the mainstream horror movie goer. A generous 7/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is boring beyond imagination. Nothing's good in it. After reading are lot of comments on this, I was expecting something so extreme that I've never could have seen before. Instead, I was given a Z-Movie that I could have made with my mother. The wannabe-corpse that they used was so fake you would laugh at it. And the sound effects... oh my god we heard this in old video games that were on Atari I guess. Seriously, the executioner is so ugly and laughable that you can't be serious watching this. In the end we're suppose to be shocked by seeing the psycho getting another victim but we do not give a damn about them because they're all so stupid. They're almost letting themselves be caught and cut apart. I can't believe this has more than 30 000 Yen of budget. A 6th grade project would look more realistic than this.... this.... garbage.

    Avoid at all cost!! Even if someone pays you
  • "Guinea Pig:Flowers of Flesh and Blood" deserves to be called one of the sickest horror films ever made.This notorious pseudo-snuff sickie is about a guy who dressed as a Samurai warrior kidnaps beautiful Japanese woman and hacks her up in excruciating detail,occasionally pausing to recite some hai-ku.This part of "Guinea Pig" series does contain some very convincing gore effects of hands,arms and legs being cut off in unflinching detail.The worst scene for me is the eye-gouging which is the most realistic.The series received a great deal of publicity when American actor Charlie Sheen,believing this one to contain actual murder gave the copy to the FBI.I've seen only this one and "Devil's Experiment" and I enjoyed both of them.So if you like extreme gore and cruelty you won't be disappointed.Even the most-hardened gore-hounds will wince!Also recommended:Nacho Cerda's "Aftermath".
  • A defenseless woman in kidnapped. In a very bizarre place, someone is going to torture her. He will cut off her hands, arms and legs before taking off her head with an axe. He will add her in his collection.

    This is Guinea Pig, a serie of torture films, nothing more nothing less! The history spreads an horrifying legend about how hideous and disgusting this movie is. I think this is quite gory with extreme graphic violence but not so horrible. The special effects are obvious but very well made in fact...but not too much realistic to called this a snuff movie!

    Finally, Guinea Pig is an experience to live but only for the hardcore fans of this genre of film. The audience not aware of what it is will be shocked to death and very offended. If you like this kind of movie, watch it with a couple of hardcore friends, it may turn in a funny kind of sick show with laughs and horrifying thrills!
  • This is a Bucket list movie any true horror fan has to watch it. The gore is pretty good all tho the added sound affects make it a bit silly and some of the skin looks really fake. Not sure how anyone would of thought this is actually real.
  • Well, I did it. I found and watched all 42 minutes of "Guinea Pig 2: Flowers of Flesh and Blood". Seeing how the series seems focused on gore (although the fourth installment which apparently features a mermaid sounds disgusting and yet oddly artistic, unlike the rest of them) and is largely unconnected I went for the 'accomplishment' of having seen what is supposedly the most extreme one. Also the favorite film of the first five in the series, prominently displayed among notorious serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki's 5000-strong video collection, and supposedly the inspiration for his own crimes. When Charlie Sheen came across a battered VHS copy of this in the late 80's he was convinced it was real and reported it to the FBI. Eventually the makers of the film had to prove the effects were fake (as Deodato did with "Cannibal Holocaust").

    As a look into the darkest corners of the human mind this is worth a look. But is it really? Can't you just read up on some serial killers or something if you want to be 'disturbed'. Watching this was ultimately a fairly worthless experience, and outside of the undoubtedly impressive (though certainly fake-looking) special effects, there is really absolutely nothing else to recommend with this 'film'. Clearly the cinematically illiterate who claim that this is some sort of great art film are nincompoops? I mean, come on. It's 42 minutes of dismemberment. The special effects are fairly admirable, but there is literally nothing else of worth here.

    I sat through it. I suppose that this is something I thought I should see for myself due to its notoriety and reputation. Not that I was expecting it to be good, but I at least thought it would be worthwhile. Don't fool yourselves, this is on the level of a high school student film technically, there is no 'writing' to speak of (well, except some rambling about blood resembling flowers or some nonsense like that), and the 'actor' in the lead role spends most of the 'movie' looking pretty goofy. The abducted woman, 'guinea pig' if you will, is asleep most of the time. There is nothing here except something for fledgling serial killers to watch while sharpening their knives. I'm not dismissive of 'shock' films in general, some of them can be genuinely well-made and reasonably compelling films. This simply isn't one. It's absolute garbage, cinematic puke. Truly one of the worst films ever made, and my hatred comes not from being 'offended'. Watching this isn't watching somebody being tortured, it's torturing yourself.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I first heard of this movie when I was 17 so about 13 years ago and it took me 2 years to find it and gather the balls to watch it. At the time I heard that was the worst movie next to Cannibal Holocaust which I still refuse to watch not because of the gore but because they killed and tortured real life animals on film and I am a vehement supporter of PETA and am against animal being mistreated let alone tortured and killed for the sake of entertainment.

    Anyway stoned I sat down in a dark room and watched the copy of Ginî piggu 2: Chiniku no hana I had downloaded.

    First off the beginning is a little creepy but nothing I hadnt seen before, cue to the kill room and still nothing I hadnt seen but I started to get a ominous feeling since I had heard so much horrible stuff. To tell you the truth the torture wasn't that shocking it was actually a let down. I mean my heart was racing and I was sweating but I chalk that up now to stuff that were in my system making me hyper focus on the screen not wanted to move or blink in the chance that I missed something terrible. To tell you the truth the worst thing was I had a stiff neck from tensing myself in anticipation that something horrible was going to happen, the hype and anticipation freaked me out more than the actual movie. I actually found myself getting bored at times. When the movie ended I was more shocked that is was over because I thought that surly that wasn't the end of the movie.

    As far as the gore goes I have seen worst on film since then and had been exposed to worst before that looking up stuff on death and violence and torture for horror stories I wrote. Also things like how the hand acted after cut from the wrist were inaccurate and kind of threw me off. The thing that threw me off the most though was the blood and how long the chick survived before she died. He gave her anything to slow the flow of blood down nor did he tourniquet her to slow the bleeding. Im sorry but she wouldn't have survived very long bleeding like she did. No matter what magic drug he gave she would still show signs of bleeding to death. She would physically shiver as her body heat dropped. No matter how much pleasure she was getting the blood loss would make her confused and anxiety would kick in and no matter what she felt her mind and body would know she was in danger and start to freak out, also she would involuntarily start breathing fast and heavy as her body tried to get rid of CO2 and get more oxygen.

    At the end of the film I never got queasy, felt I was going to be sick, felt like I had watched something horrible, felt changed, nor did it stick with me after watching it. Im writing this review after attempting to watch it a second time a few hours and stopping it in the middle of the torture because it was so damn boring that I couldn't take it. I have came to the conclusion that my beating heart and sweating the first time around was because I was on stuff and because of the hype was anticipating something that never came. The truth is the hype of this movie is far more horrible than the movie will ever be. And the lack of any plot or worthy dialogue makes it seem worst than it is, like in a previous review I agree that if this had a plot, dialogue, or any kind of story thrown into the mix this movie wouldn't seem that shocking. This isn't horror its smut and the horror equivalent of shock jock radio. All filler no substance.

    There are so many movie out there that are more gory, disturbing, and wrong out their that actually stick with you after watching and far more with superior sfx. Also they think out the deaths more. Quality prosthesis are not hard to come by, realistic blood is easy to come by, and it not hard to make the cutting and hacking look realistic. The sound was probably the most upseting thing in this movie, but how hard is it to go to a butchers and get a pig and record the sounds of you hacking,slicing, sawing, and chiseling and breaking bones. They did all that perfectly but they forgot the most important things, the science of what happens when someone dies. A little research and it would have been 100x more realistic and all it would have taken was a little acting from the actress and deciding if she absolutely had to survive till her organs we removed what are ways to make sure she doesn't bleed to death be it cutting off the blood flow or cauterizing the stumps.

    You want to see a movie that is horrible, gory, and sticks with you after watching it making you question the world, yet has a good story? Then watch A Serbian film. While not a lot of it, the gore is top notch. But the messed up parts which are 100x's worst than what is done to this girl is what the main character sees, and is manipulated and forced to do in the movie. All of it is sexual in nature and it not only affects him but his family too. The last scene is probably the worst thing I have ever heard of anyone planning to do. There are worst movies out there than A Serbian Film but it affected me and made me profoundly sad after watching it.
  • Although there is no actual plot and you do wonder what the hell the dude with the bad teeth is doing dress like a samurai - it does look pretty realistic.

    Yes this is gross but the corny, overdone sound effects take out a lot of the sting. Mr Sheen should have known better, being an actor and producer, that this wasn't real (he was probably too coked out his brain to know what he was watching).

    It's got cuts, sound effects, camera pans and a making of documentary! The clean looking shots I saw from the DVD demystify the film's authenticity even more. I saw it on a VHS copy of a copy from a NTSC to PAL transfer, so it looked more like a snuff film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have heard so many stories about The guinea pig movie i just had 2 see one for myself just 2 know if it really was realistic, I still wanna see the first one but this one didn't get my attention. If those movies was not so famous I might have thought differently about it. For this one 2 be considered realistic.... *LOL* what a load of crap. It was pretty well made ill give it that, but if that happened 2 a person in reality, he or she would be dead in the matter of minutes because of the blood loss and this girl wasn't even passed out...just a bit drugged.... And her insides looked more like jam.... I have seen movies more realistic than this. No good grade from me.
  • Aww yes, the film that out does them all. This entire collection is amazing. Amazing that is to the truly desensitized or the truly unstable people of the world. This is the best of the collection if you ask me, and if you can make it through the whole thing without ralphing once feel good. It is not impossible by far but the sheer lake of plot make it seem like it's being performed just for you. That is what is truly disturbing about the film. This film was supposedly made to be the worst of the worst. Horror and gore like not slasher film could dram of and no magna film had ever done. It is that in deed and know this: it is hard to watch and at times difficult to stomach.

    Now if you have not seen this and you're a person who has "seen it all" you may feel proud to make it through this movie. It would scare me to really meet someone who claimed to enjoy a movie like this but to each their own.For those who like the extreme you'll like this. For those who don't well why watch it. I can't say I enjoyed this films but I can say I did watch them. I always say to myself I'll watch any movie once so I can judge for myself. It won't make my top ten list.
  • benthelazar22 October 2014
    Why? Why why why why why does this movie exist? In what possible world did anyone think that this movie would be at all acceptable to film? I shouldn't say movie, it besmirches the name of the great art form of the twentieth century. For this is not a movie. It desperately wants to be a snuff film; the connotations of that are more disturbing than the events recorded on film. Here is the plot: a man chloroforms a woman. He dresses in a samurai outfit and proceeds to cut her into pieces. No names. No reasons. No other plot. Just disgusting, artless violence. This "thing" is highly hyped in the disturbing movies scene. That is the only reason I came to it. It appears on many lists of the most disturbing movies ever, and in fact, there is probably no other way that anyone would come to this. All those lists are wrong. a) As I said before, this isn't a movie and b) it is not at all disturbing. It is gross, oh yes. Our closing shots are of severed limbs being feasted on by maggots. A chicken is decapitated and its blood is spilled all over our victim. We see dismemberment in gory detail. Close ups of tendons snapping etc, etc. It would be hypocritical of a exploitation lover like myself to continue. Suffice to say that people searching for blood and guts will get far, far to much. And that is it. But I have a feeling that even they will be turned away. You see, this is not an exploitation splatter picture. Those have a place in a cinema.The only place where this film belongs is in the basement of a serial killer, surrounded by the probably more artistic, actual snuff films of their own creation. This is the lowest of the low. There is no excuse for it. The world would be better if no one else watched it.
  • benoitlelievre13 February 2005
    Woah...faked or not, this is one of the hardest movies i've seen in my life. I don't care how real does it get, it's sick. OK, I like sick movies, but this one is pushing the button a bit far. It's the raw dismemberment of a young girl, who the executioner put into severe medication. You like to push back your limits? That's the movie you need. Guinea Pig won't let you a second to breathe and this movie will feel like you're holding your breath forever. Positive thing, you can watch sick stuff a lot more after this stomach turning thing. The worst(best) part is the sound, you can head the squishing sound of a dismemberment. This movie is highly haunting and shouldn't be seen if you're not ready to see hardcore stuff.
  • A poem amidst a backdrop of abrasiveness and cold decisive science, Flower of Flesh and Blood spells the significant dislocation of spirit from the body, and the mind's quest to discover the formless within the form at it's most brutal conceptualization. The angry devout devoid of understanding and angry with their sense of being neglected, strikes out against the only thing it can, the flesh.

    This is one way to interpret the film, but I'm sure there's much simpler interpretations which are possibly more fitting to the film.

    But who's to say? Flower of Flesh and Blood talks of Hell which validates at least part of my interpretation. The dichotomy, and search for a resolution is at the heart of the film. The killer/artist intellectualizes a escape for the spirit by the destruction of the physical form, while making it a pleasurable experience to the victim, or at least in his mind he sees this as a viable alternative to the risks of eternity in hell. He creates the blossoms to express the spirit and allow it favor in Heaven after death.

    What then is the collection? A sense of control or a sick sense of bragging over the gift that one has received at the hands of the artist? Would he then think of these collection pieces as one might think of birthday cards? Or a testament? Who's to say? One thing is for certain. The flesh is fragile and watching this movie made me incredibly aware of how I use this body. The fingers, speaking their own semaphore language of hope and expression. This movie might leave you thinking, or it might leave you bewildered, but no matter what it won't leave you quickly.
  • namco0128 April 2002
    This film when viewed on an old vhs tape is really very convincing. Hardly any dialogue spoken and just lashings of the old ultra violence. A girl is kidnapped and tied to a table then a guy in samurai gear proceeds to hack her to bits.

    Then out comes the DVD release with a good quality picture and the effect kind of gets lost. It's looks quite phoney and takes away a bit of the "is it real ?, isn't it real?" factor of watching on low quality video.

    If you're into gore movies, watch it on video first, then catch it on dvd if you can, just to see how all the effect were done (theres a making of documentary on the DVD).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This will probably be one of the shortest reviews ever on IMDb.

    Nothing much to say about this movie more than Hideshi Hino really succeeded with his goal to make a movie that would make people believe they just watched a real snuff movie and a gruesome murder. There is no story to it, it just says in the beginning of the movie that it's a re-make of a "snuff movie" that was sent to the cartoonist on a VHS. That's just rumours. But at the time of the creating of the movie this sort of thing was a hype, and the fact that this movie could be real, or at least based on a real event, just boosted the attention.

    It's done very well for its time. Almost everything that happens in this movie could be real, if you don't know much about this genre, because it's so well done, like a real snuff movie. Charlie Sheen believed it was real, which gave the movie even more attention after he contacted the FBI and told them he just watched a recording of a real murder.

    Nuff said. This movie is worth a rating over five just because the notrosity, that's for sure.
  • FieCrier23 July 2004
    At only forty-five minutes or so, this was still overlong, since there's really no story: a woman is stalked, captured, and chloroformed all quite quickly. She's next seen tied up and gagged in a room. She hears, as does the audience, a noise and this is about the only suspenseful moment in the movie - the camera takes its time getting to the source of the noise. She's drugged then dismembered and disemboweled. We're then shown the murderer's collection of other specimens. Should we say 'yuck,' or 'yawn'?

    A much better movie with some similar elements is Môjuu (1969) AKA Blind Beast. Based on an Edogawa Rampo story, that one is also a Japanese film featuring a woman who is captured and tortured. However, it is much more involving and intelligent. Flowers of Flesh and Blood is to be seen only for the gore, and even then by those who are not very discerning.
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