User Reviews (341)

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  • I think everyone who watched this movie wasn't expecting anything good, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad. The first one was garbage too, but at least it had some kind of story to drive it, this movie is basically as 2 hour music video with sex.... yes, that's all it is. The relationship between the two leads is as mindless and unrealistic as the first, and another man joins the scene, who is just as dull as the first.

    Nothing happens in this film until roughly half way through, and if you even managed to endure the pain that is the awful dialogue, directing and acting, you then have to suffer a boring thriller-wannabe. It's a shame really, because with a good director and writer, you could have had a compelling story with good characters, but no...we get this. The main actors, (I can't even be bothered to look up their names) have little to no chemistry between them, and half of the time they are just standing there looking pretty.

    I understand that 20-40 something men aren't this movies target audience, but at least make it bareable for us.

    If you were to take out all the music and sex, you would have a 40 minute short film. Seriously, it's that bad. So many usless scenes that add nothing. The only good thing about this movie is its cinematography, which is surprislingly very good, which is the only thing stopping this from getting a 1.
  • The 1st film wasn't a masterpiece, but it at least had a plot to follow. This "film"was just sex, sex, with more sex with a teaspoon of a plot line at the end. It was horrible! The only reason I continued to watch is because Massimo and Nacho are beautiful men. I never have to watch this again.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is boring

    • Dialogues are artificial, said without emotion
    The story was beginning after a crash from 1 part but without explain how she survive...

    Only music was good... And that explain 2 stars.
  • There's probably not more than 10 lines in the script 😂😂 what the hell is that for plot??? 2h to tell a 5min story. Never thought that it could be worse than the first but they definitely proved me wrong.
  • 18 first minutes of the movie is just like a music video, no dialogue, just a lot of sex. The rest of the movie has a bunch of music mashups with little to no dialogue and a thin thin story line. I think it was an easy way out, to leave movie 1 on a huge cliff hanger, and just continue movie number 2 like that didn't happen. And if the movie makers thought fans loved the sex, they totally didn't get why. It was the context and the story that made the sex hot. You can't just have a long music mashup with soft porn and no story line or romance building up the tension. Where's the foreplay? Common!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What even was this movie? First off, the movie opens with them having sex. Okay, maybe it's a dream and we will get some explanations... Nope!

    In the first movie, Laura is in an accident and we don't know if she's alive.... This is practically ignored in the second movie.

    This movie is messy, rushed, and could've been executed better.

    I'd recommend the first, but know that the second does not really continue the story well.

    If you watched movie 1 and 2, back to back, you would be confused... and angry you wasted your time watching (especially) this movie.
  • Nothing but sx sx sx and sx. The plot started 30 minutes by the end of the movie. The entire movie is a massive cringe-fest, kept skipping through needless pop music montages, the dialogues are terrible, the writing is just so bad.
  • lenkaweaver27 April 2022
    I watched the first one only because it generated so much noise overall and I though that the first film was bad, but the sequel is a whole new level of BAD. I though films suppose to have some form of development and plot but here 35 minutes in and where is it... frankly the acting on both parts of the leads are worse than in the first film and one get even put off by the sex is porn film on Netflix.
  • Well, here it is. The sequel to one of the most uninspired, least-sexy, and tacky movies in recent years, 365 Days. The sequel commits the cardinal sin a movie can make: not learning from its mistakes. The movie is a blatant cash-grab that hardly costs anything to make, and an excuse for actors and crew members to film in luxurious locations. Bad acting, no plot, and an absurd runtime for what it has. No wonder Netflix is losing subscribers, it has more unoriginal garbage like this.
  • Blame Italy, or Poland, or Netflix? No just blame people. Nowadays it's about a thrill, not a story meaning the movie was a cringe fest and a laughing stock. Now it's not the dialogue that was bad, the woeful unrealistic story, or the acting, what's bad is the fact people can make excuses for this throwing lot of clever cinematic views and shall we say steamy moments. A movie isn't about the thrill. It's not about filters and fancy clothes, being spoilt as a woman and loaded as a man. No actually that actually is all this is. Netflix throws this at us because of the demands to please the audience with this sort of thing. Any pathetic, girl power, snap chat fish for likes love myself type of person will adore this. As too will any unhappy coupled or bored individual. Point blank doesn't matter how disgusting the male lead is, how bad the story or dialogue, how bad the female leads acting is, it's all about what is pleasing on the eye. That's why a Netflix original cannot be trusted or half of the reviews left by these so called adults. Many of whom are probably underage by the way or only care about a good time and no doubt have everything easy. This isn't about an escape and it's not about putting yourself in the polish girls shoes, or underpants, it's about what is wrong with the every day person these days and how so long as they're enjoying their life nothing else especially not this stuff matters. Shame. A woeful woeful film.
  • The playlist, music is the stuff of nightmares.

    Opulent visuals, eye candy almost everywhere but the storyline isn't great.

    I can't say enough how the music makes my ears want to bleed.
  • This movie was so bad that it was good, but come on, that was to be expected. Now I see all these reviews bashing the movie and I have to laugh.

    Come on, aren't we all little hypocrites? Like someone said, we all knew the first movie was bad and this had the potential to be a disaster too.

    If it had been an action movie or something like that, like we wouldn't come back to it or something.

    But no, we still came back knowing very well the sequel could be even worse like has happened to several movies.

    We all came back for one reason and the movie did deliver it on that regard so let's just appreciate that, lol.
  • Is it a good movie ?

    No its horrible we all knew it going into yet yet we all watch it for the same reason

    and i love movies that know what they are as from the first scene this movie knows exactly what it is ..

    is it good story telling and acting ? No its horrible but again we knew that from the title

    they dont try to make a good story a good acting level a good drama they try to give the viewers what they asked for.

    This movie im sure broke all of netflix limits to what show and what not show on screen

    Please dont be saints we all know why were here and the movie doesnt disapoints in that regards

    its still far better then 50 shades of grey nonsense.

    As this one knows exactly what it is.

    If you never watched the first one and just watch this to expect a good well your in for a surprise.
  • Biggest regret of my life

    After the opening scene I thought that it couldn't get worse but somehow it did, and it kept going... I'm actually amazed they managed to create something that awful ?!
  • larisalatif27 April 2022
    Can be something worst than this?

    I cant believe what ive just watched Everything just everything is so terrible.. 😩😭😭😭😭 No romance no acting no talking no nothing..
  • Warning: Spoilers

    I'm aware why we tuned in the first time. No, it wasn't the Oscar worthy performances, the breathtaking photography, the gorgeous music score, the thrilling plot or the spectacular and innovative direction.

    IT WAS THE SMASHING YOU CAME FOR. It was semi better last time and that kept you wanting more. Yet, this time it's miserably underwhelming and dull. The joke's on us.

    If the previous movie overdid it with the soundtrack, this one takes it to another level of obnoxious. This sequel is one big music video with random, unexciting, poorly edited sex scenes stitched together in between bizarre frolicking montages that serve no purpose other than stretch out the screen time due to the lack of actual storytelling. They outdid themselves by making the sequel even less of a movie than the first one. Congrats!

    There's no build-up, no sensuality, no decent choreography, just the two leads humping ungraciously in several locations with horrible, wordy reggeaton music in the background by unknown artists because they spent all their budget on drones and couldn't afford famous people on the OST. 24 songs every 4 minutes, people. 24 songs! Seems like someone from the editing team wanted to include their favourite Spotify party playlist at all cost.

    The no plot of this sequel is Laura being moody just 3 days after her wedding because her mob boss husband/ kidnapper has "work things to do", despite having all the time in the world for endless bang sessions in his musty dungeon.

    Laura behaves like another Mary Sue, being mad at her husband for cheating on her of course, not because he kidnapped, drugged, cut her off from her family , threatened and sexually assaulted her at any given chance. We're over the kidnapping in this movie, there are bigger issues here and nope, none of that has anything to do with Massimo's dirty ways and complete disregard of autonomy and consent. This franchise does not understand what these things are. If they did there we could have had some storyline. It's actually insulting to DV victims how the immensely abusive nature of this relationship gets downplayed. Yikes.

    Laura has wet dreams about the gardener/ rival gangster now, who cares about any conflict or character development? She's there to get passed around like a plaything , having zero agency and being controlled by anyone with a penis and a gun. Your body, your choice, our asses!

    Oh, look, we get to see Laura naked a lot again, straight female demographic that this saga is appealing to, i hope you're happy!!!

    Miki is as hot as ever yet we don't see much of his naked glory and he can't act to save his life either. It's a lose lose situation.

    The garbage plot is so ridiculous that average Telemundo productions could have a chance at an Emmy award. I lost it at the contrived twin brother drama storyline, seriously, did a toddler come up with this nonsense? It's not only riddled with plotholes but it's also pure unintentional comedy.

    Michelle Morrone's hilarious interpretation as the scorned, coked out brother provided some needed entertainment in what seems the biggest trash Netflix has put out yet and there's more to come.

    And if you are a fan of this series getting heated by this review , are you honestly satisfied with lukewarm sex scenes with Youtube pop music and ridiculous tiger roar sound effects? I've seen porn films with much better direction, execution and acting. Let's not lie to ourselves here; it's hot trash and one good looking guy cannot save this.

    If they can't deliver semi decent sex scenes what else is there for viewers to anticipate? Laura's deadpan expression and her ability to get kidnapped by any guy she finds attractive? Massimo's cringeworthy tongue flicking and his babygorl phrase? The materialism overload in each scene? The toxic, creepy cues in every dialogue?

    This reads more like a soft porn parody than a 50 shades knock-off that gets progressively worse with each installment. Can't wait to see what pile of yesterday's sewage part 3 is gonna turn out to be!
  • lauraknezevic-1188327 April 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    First 30 minutes only sex scenes. Rest of the movie is just terrible! I already knew at the beginning how it was going to end. Second part ends just like the first one and im pretty sure she did not die. 👎🏽
  • Warning: Spoilers
    *im not an English native speaker nor a movie critic, but this one is so bad i HAD to write something about it, so excuse my possible mistakes

    So...where to begin. What to say.

    This whole movie felt like a music video with some beautiful visuals and landscapes and often people having sex in different locations. And if they weren't having sex, they were staring off at the ocean "meaningfully".

    Now sprinkle a few sentences there and then and boom thats our movie.

    I can't even understand how can anyone write or produce something this bad.

    Characters- zero. There is literally nothing to say about characters as they are generic and so one layered that i think i would see better written characters in otome games. They have no past, no future, no thought process, no motives, no nothing. They are just here to make the "story" go.

    I get that the idea is nothing new and it has the usual bad guy mafia boss and a beautiful but wild girl who gets in troubles and needs saving BUT couldn't there be a little more conversation? Was it so hard for the author to write a few pages from the perspectives of other characters and their insights? You have all the pieces: hot and cool male protagonists, wild and free female protagonist, they get married but are having communication and trust issues. Was there ever attention on those problems? Did our couple even TRIED to fight or argue about it once? No. Missed opportunity to easily gain some depth and add some drama to their dynamic to show us how each side feels about it, how would they defend themselves or what they think in general. Just no.

    Next , and in my opinion the character with the most potential: the twin brother. (Again i know its a generic trope) It could've added so much if his tragic story was even a little bit elaborated and worked out. I mean he showed up twice?? But everything that's happening was happening because of him? "There is an evil twin brother with evil motives just go along with it"? I feel like there could easily be made up so much more to fill up the story a little bit. Hell, I feel like I could easily make up some character background and better plot. Was it so hard to write some sob story about abandoned child at least in attempt to make things seem more "DeEp"? Or something about hot and caring but cold and distant bad guy? Or maybe a few words from a woman who lost her unbound child? Im so pissed that there was like one minute talk about it in the beginning and then nothing. Everything is so flat and shallow.

    I dont even know what to say about other characters: Olga and Dominic? What the hell. The gardener seemed nice in the beginning but it turned out to be fake and just like the rest.

    I think i said enough about plot just by talking about characters but I MUST mention few other things. That shooting scene and Lauras running in the end had me literally laughing. And its so funny that near the end, they all meet up to "talk business" but 1 minute into the conversation they all somehow end up worrying about Laura and suddenly ending the meeting to go find her. That was a legit WT* moment for me. Mafia in this movie=🤡 . And Lauras mum who dramatically turns while leaving and says "don't stop me" while no one even moved a finger to do so? Also laughed. That little fashion show sequence? What was that about???

    To sum up, this movie could have been your generic movie with average, kinda cringy plot and average characters that we've seen so many times, but it horribly fails to even do that and meet the minimum in every aspect. Instead its a 2 hour long music video. Its just terrible. I didn't think it could be worse than first one but here we are.
  • Johndowski3327 April 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thought this was a movie not soft porn. Dull acting bad story. I already knew what to expect after seeing the 1st but I'm disappointed that she goes along with it and Is "happy and in love". Very very bad message to send out . No substance just all round terrible 1 star is too generous a 0 would be more appropriate...
  • I won't say anything, except that I imagine the ''actors'' bursting into laughter while ''performing'' their ''dialogues'' reading their ''lines'' to give life to this ''interesting plot.''
  • These movies are my guilty pleasure. They bring nothing to the table. No plot, bad acting, cringe dialogue. Nothing makes sense, but I am invested now. I give it a 2 because, I will definitely will be coming back to watch the last movie, even when all we get is a song list that is 8 pages long, and montages that go along with it. With no character development and the main two characters doing the nasty every 10 min. Also this one was worst that the first. 2/10.
  • gk-9621728 April 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I think even giving a score of '1' is too high for this movie, it actually deserves -0.

    Where do I start ? Here goes:

    1. The acting of the lead couple is terrible neither can act to save their life. Michelle Morrone was more like a supporting actor in this movie, very few dialogues or scenes of any substance. His acting as his twin brother was so cringeworthy and as Massimo was the same expressions nothing new. Anna is not even worthy of being called a actress she's terrible.

    2. Sex scenes didn't look natural or sensual it was more like porn where they were performing for a camera. The scenes were thrown in all over the place with no relevance to what was going on in the movie.

    3. There was no storyline this was more like music video which they are trying to show a story in and failed it.

    4. The ending was rubbish no climax no real build up or gripping stuff, we all know Laura will survive that bullet for the third torture part which I hear will be released later this year.

    If you have a lot of spare time and want to waste 1 hour 50 minutes of your time then watch it. You'll find yourself getting bored and wanting it end quickly.
  • I don't understand the negative reviews! Hell of a twist! I though it was amazing and can't wait for part 3! No matter what you think of it, you know you will watch part 3!
  • The beginning started off corny and cheesy, i was starting to get disappointed , but it got much better , strong cliff hanger ..looking forward to third , just hope the leave the cheese out next time ..
  • I give this film a 2 for the beautiful men in it. That's it. Would've worked better as a perfume ad.

    Kinda sad for the actors, they pronounce the words like robots honestly. Michele Morrone has talent I hope they notice him for a real movie.
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