
IMDb member since April 2000
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Der Untergang

So what?
I left the screening after almost two hours, because I did not realize what this movie wants to tell. Yes, there is fine acting (Bruno Ganz is really great!) and it seems to be authentic, but for what is it good for, to watch the suicide of some nazi monsters? It tells you nothing, except that these people remain true to their principles until death. It tells you nothing about their crimes, it tells you nothing about their powers. It tells you only something about their characters, what nobody needs to know. The movie is also a tightrope walk, because it shows the destroying of Berlin, it shows many victims and it shows the Nazis trapped in the Führerbunker. Someone might get the impression, all the disaster is coming from the Allies, which try to conquer Berlin.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

They read a different book...
There was so much love and hate from me and my friends for the first two movies: Nearly perfect visualization, but some really bad interpretation of the main characters. Watching The Return of the King was unbearable and I left the cinema when I saw Gandalf and Frodo giggling after the fall of the ring and making themselves ridiculous.

I guess Return of the King totally missed the spirit of the book. All the highlights of the third book went wrong in the movie: The fight of Eowyn against the Lord of the Nazgul; Aragorns and his way of the death; the relationship between Gandalf and Denethor; when Gandalf saved Faramir of the Nazgul; the relationship between Pippin and Denethor; the meeting between Gandalf and the Lord of the Nazgul; Aragorn healing the people of Minas Tirith after the battle; ...

But mostly I was disappointed about the behaviour and attitude of some of the main characters: I think that Gandalf, Legolas, Eowyn, Pippin, Merry and Denethor don't match with the characters in the book. And that is really a great disappointment for me.

Sorry for my bad english...

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