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Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya

Highly overrated
I was inclined and excited to see this movie mainly due to the all these highly rated reviews in here.however I was left disappointed. It is clearly not as good as all these reviews claims. Barely a murder mystery. I believe it seems a good subject and done in a decent manner. However it feels there are too many twists and turns at the end they do not even makes any sense to begin with. As viewer I was cared less about all the murders and what happened at the beginning when it comes to end.

I do feel like there are multiple bot reviews for this movie here in IMDb. Which made me wanting to write this review .

As Above, So Below

Poor start / couldn't go through it
Where to start? Just like the movie it starts somewhere then goes somewhere else. First few minutes of the movie have a headache from all the camera shaking . I couldn't get through the rest. Acting is B grade level.

I had high hopes seeing the reviews in here. May be it gets better at the end? I donno and I will never find out.. just off the first 20-30 minutes of it I got tired of this.

The whole movie felt like a B grade movie. Which is expected since it's done in "found footage " style. But I just didn't have the patience to take this much headache for this movie. Trade off is not worth it at all. Overall I'd say skip it.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

This is just Terrible
First off I didn't have any high expectation after seeing the trailers. Which made me not to even see this in the theater. Finally when it came on HBO Max decided to give it a try. It's so terrible that I had to stop 3 times to get through it. Just terrible. Couldn't sit through the 2 hours of cringe fest. I usually don't give low scores to movies but this one is just terrible. The story doesn't make sense, characters don't make sense. Nothing does.

Action scenes are bad. Flying scenes looks so fake for a 2023 movie. I mean god how did they watched this and said this is good for release.?

There are multiple scenes they try to copy from BvS and ZSJL but failed miserably. Over all just a terrible movie I don't think even a kid would like this one. I liked the first one a whole lot better than this one.

And end credit scene is just add more cringe to the cringe fest.

Un asunto privado

Great production/average story drags too long
It's a great production, sets, costumes the props everything is in this department is well done. However, the plot and the story is not much to look for. Fairly decent who done it story line that drags on too long with drama. There are many plot holes and at one point I got tired of people running around to catch someone. It happens too often in this. Every episode they are running behind someone to catch someone who literally one feet away. Like I said at the beginning it's a great production and it could've been a lot better if the plot would've been better. Could've been better but this is not it. I finished the whole series to see the who done it.

PS: change the language to original (Spanish). If not it has the English dubbed. Which makes it even worse. I watched it with subtitles.


Just not that good
I didn't believe the bad reviews here looking at the cast of the movie. I was so wrong. You could tell from the first episode it's not going to be good. I felt like it's bad editing that ruined the series or bad direction? Either way this series was a let down. Could've been better.. overall disappointed. Go watch something else.

Keep Breathing

It is not survivor
People who complain it's not being enough survivalist type scenes completely misunderstood this. It is not about the plane crash or what happens in there. It's basically survival of the everyday life.

It's shot beautifully and great production. Great acting and cast is wonderful. Loved the main actress. If you want and expect a survival series then this is not it. It's more than just a survival in the jungle .

The Last Kingdom

This is Must Watch
If you are in to Vikings, historical types of series then you must watch this. You won't regret it. I'm writing this after finishing the 5th season and most likely the last. What a great series and what a way to end. Must watch.

The Batman

Highly overrated - tries to be like Dark Knight
I had low expectations to begin with when I walked in to the theater. Movie started off well but then drags off too long. After watching The Batman it made me realize how under rated Christian Bale Batman is. Which makes sense since he's kinda being over shadowed by the joker. I honestly not sure why this movie being rated this high or being praised this high. Villains weren't strong enough Batman wasn't strong enough. No major build up scenes. No memorable action sequence. Positive for me is the cat woman. She's wonderfully played. Over all it's not a as good as people make out to be. Will watch once and then done with. In comparison to dark knight I could watch it multiple times and which I have. The Batman tries to be like Dark Knight but fails.

What If...?

Was this written by 5 year olds? For 3 year olds ?
What a lame excuse for a series . What if? Lamest possible episodes at the beginning. Last 2 or 3 episodes were little better. But overall it's bad. Badly written with lame jokes and comedy sequences.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Soulless movie, even a soul sucking monster couldn't give this a soul
This is the worst marvel movie I have seen to date.after seeing the movie I was honestly surprised by all the high ratings. Did we watch the same thing? The movie is without a soul. Characters aren't build up enough even with a 2 hour run time. The movie literally got nothing to do with the ten rings. Movie became Godzilla vs King Kong at the end. Waste of 2 hours. Honestly clueless why people high praised for this movie. What a waste of opportunity to create a wonderful and authentic world for Asian marvel universe.

In the Dark

Being Blind makes you Obnoxious?
I couldn't do more than 4 episodes of this. Main character is continuously painful to watch and follow. She is obnoxious and flat rude. People still keep up with her BS cuz she's blind. No matter how she trying to act independent she is not. I just stopped after 4 episodes. Felt like it's keep going downhill each episode for me.if you like obnoxious characters then you will like this.


Not sure if I missed anything
I'm a fan of murder mystery who dunnit type of series. So when I saw this series as highly rated as it is I was excited and thrilled. However, for my experience it was tad slower. Possible it has to do with the language may be.? But I watch different language series all the time with subtitles and I'm still able to enjoy. Series got better around 4th episode.but overall it wasn't great.

Midnight Mass

I'm not religious still liked this
It's an intriguing mystery series that I enjoyed and binged in 2 days. It builds up characters slowly. Like many of the low reviewers are saying there are many monologues that tend to be dragging on and on. I agree that those could've been shortened . But still even with that still it's a good mystery series. Also it gives an invaluable perspective on religion. I don't know how everyone will interpret this but I thought it proves a good point on morality over religion/interpretation of religion.

Highly recommended to watch. I would've rated 10 but due to some scenes dragged on for a bit, where I thought some episodes could've been 45-50mins I gave a 9. A wonderfully crafted story. Atmosphere, back drop scenery and acting just great. Well acted by all. Don't wait just go watch now.!


Highly enjoyable
It's a highly enjoyable movie. I quite don't understand low and negative reviews towards this.this got horror mystery psychological and some timely comedy as well. I must say I wasn't bored one bit. Don't expect it to be a full on horror movie. It's an entertaining movie. Sit down relax take off your thinking hats or BRAINS and enjoy.


Solid Horror movie from start till end
I honestly don't get the majority of the reviews here. All these IMDB critiques seems to know too much. Just enjoy the damn movie. I was so skeptical of the movie after looking at few reviews here. After watching the movie I couldn't believe how some people rated and reviewed this movie so badly. These people just know it all and know too much for their own good. I'm just tired of people blasting a movie and giving low ratings and possibly making others not watch it. You all wanna be movie makers/critiques/ script writers there's a reason that you haven't made anything for yourself cause you can't. So before you judge too harshly think again.

Anyway, good horror movie from start till end will keep you edge of the seat with all jump scares. I wasn't bored for a minute. Story progress quickly. No beating around the bush it gets to where it needs to go pretty quick . If you in to horrors then watch this.

Nine Perfect Strangers

It's an easy watch series with subtle comedy drama and mystery. Great scenery and visuals easy to watch. It takes you on relaxing journey at the beginning. There's plenty of character build ups while the plot thickens. I loved it. It was a relaxing few hours for me.

Warrior Nun

A Solid 8 - Treat it as a Sci Fi
I was pleasantly surprised by this series.didn't have any expectations going to watch this, while majority of reviews here were mixed bag. After I binged it in 2 days I was wondering why people were giving low ratings. 1 thing I could think of is the main characters build up. How she acts through out the show, specially at the beginning of the series is kinda annoying. But then again you need to understand the psychosis of the character where she was laying in a bed for her whole life she made a character for herself to enjoy with everything little thing she got. But I understand for the viewer it could get annoying at a point.

This series got a good story and mystery blended. Consider this as a Sci Fi, don't think about religion then you will enjoy this. I believe some people are not happy about the portrayal of how cut throat the Vatican politics can be.overall it's enjoyable fun, nice scenery and a story with some mystery. If you want an easy watch series then this is it.


She deserves everything she got for making dumb decisions
God awful, once I realized how unrealistic the things that are happening that was it for me. I didn't believe the bad reviews going in to watch this movie. I mean Russel Crowe how bad it can be.. but geez it's just not realistic at all. May be it's good for the people who doesn't live in USA who doesn't understand how things work in here. There are so many stupid decisions she makes I don't even sympathize with her at the end. I felt like she should have died and I'd be fine with it. Of course the cops are clueless and dumb doesn't do anything. Good acting by Russell Crowe but can't save this.

Mercy Black

Only good thing was the main actress
I didn't believe the low rating reviews and still went ahead and watched it. It started off well then kinda falls flat. It's a missed opportunity. It could have had bigger impact bigger atmosphere horror and scares but it missed.

Pine Gap

It's a well done gripping thriller mystery. Interesting characters and good political drama as well. Give it a go . Watch first 2 episodes and you will be sucked in. Wish they did a 2nd season but don't think it's going to happen now.


Definitely not a click bait
I didn't know what to expect when I started watching it. So let me tell you it is a murder mystery story. I binged it in a day. It's good not a boring moment right from the start till the end you will guessing second guessing third guessing who dunit.. well worth the watch if you are in to murder mysteries.

Finding 'Ohana

Family fun
I was surprisingly entertained by this movie. Decent acting by most . Main actress goes over board. Overall it's a good family fun movie for teens and all other family members as well. Nice scenery .

Black Summer

I couldn't even get through 1st episode
It was that bad, that I couldn't even finish the 1st episode. Acting felt bad, the introductions of each characters without building up the world didn't work for me. It fell on it face even before the start.


Geez it's weak Loki is just there
What is this? How is this getting this high rating? Such garbage story and writing. Only thing they are accomplishing from this is that setting up the multiverse for MCU. Nothing else. Loki is the vessel that they used to deliver this. Bunch of crap. Loki pretty much move around here and there does nothing at all. I repeat Loki does not do any thing. They could've called this Sylvie or TVA for that matter.. it got great Cinematography and acting.


Over Rated - over dramatic TV network show
I wanted to see this since all the hype I've been hearing about the show. Watched the 1st season in Netflix and I won't be watching 2nd or 3rd season. I was done with it. I wouldn't even finish the 1st season but muscled it through to see the end. It was lame and this series is over rated.

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